1. Sick

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One Saturday morning, the sun shone brightly above, warming the earth's surface. Birds sang their sweet melodies under the trees, making the air feel nice and cheery. (Y/N) hummed and skipped happily along the dust path, the breeze swiftly blowing into her (H/C) hair. She smiled and came to a stop at a house that was practically her second home. She knocked and waited, until a large-ish man opened the door and smiled down at her.
« Ah, (Y/N), it's lovely to see you again! I presume you are here for Varian, right? »
(Y/N) smiled and nodded. « Hello, Mr. Quirin, nice to see you again too! And yes, I'm here to see Varian! Is he here? »
Quirin chuckled and awkwardly scratched his neck. « Why, yes he is, but I'm afraid to say he has a fever right now, but you are still welcome to come in, if you wish. »
(Y/N)'s brow furrowed, her (E/C) eyes filled with concern, but she put a smile to mask her worry. « Of course, I actually brought some snacks too, so I can share with him. »
(Y/N) made her way over to Varian's door, and knocked on his door softly.
« C-Come in... » A voice croaked, and (Y/N) walked in. Her eyes widened in surprise and sympathy as she saw her best friend in his bed, looking...well, a mess. His hair was all tangled up, his face was pale white as he shivered feebly under the covers. (Y/N) immediately rushed over to his side, taking his hand in hers.
« (Y-(Y/N)..? » He whispered.
« Yes, it's me, Varian... how are you feeling? » she asked soothingly, stroking his hand gently. He coughed, sniffling.
« Bad... I get s-sick on the worst day, when I'm almost finished with my project! » he whined.
(Y/N) chuckled softly at his whining, she thought it was adorable. « Well, I have something to make you feel a bit better. » She dug into her basket, pulling out a lunchbox and opening it.
Varian's eyes lit up. « Ham sandwiches! » He eagerly took the bread, munching on it with a smile. (Y/N)'s heart practically melted at the sight.
« Don't worry, Var, you have me to take care of you, ok? Don't stress about your projects, you needed rest anyway. »
(Y/N) gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, causing his face to turn pink, and he smiled shyly.
« Thanks, (Y/N), what would I do without you?...»
The first one shot, complete! I was a bit upset that I didn't get to include much Varian in this one shot, but I'll try to do that in the next one, and I hoped you enjoyed it anyway! :) let me know what y'all would like to see! For now, these one shots are my idea, but I'll make sure to mention your user if I get requests! Love y'all! ❤️

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