Suspicious Judgement

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"Even if you cause trouble, I can't leave you without judgement. I'm bored with playing billiards with Nona, and you can keep me entertained," Oculus finally said with a smile that didn't portend anything good.

Hanashi looked at Decim with uncertainty. They both didn't know what to expect. Despite this, there was silence all around once again. The woman exchanged glances with the old man, waiting for one of them to look away.

"Try to convince me to send you to reincarnation and not to the void. Only one of you can go to the place humans call heaven."

Hanashi stole a glance at Decim, wondering what she should do. She had a chance to start over, to get here again. Maybe in the next life, she will serve the world better? But she also had to take her friend into account. What would he say? And then she noticed a change in Oculus's smile. That was it!

She didn't have time to think long before the words escaped her mouth.

"Decim should be reincarnated. I already had my chance at life. I recognized its sweet and bitter taste. Decim, on the other hand, has only experienced death. And only from the mouths of others."

Both men looked at her with surprise written on their faces. Warmth spread throughout Decim's body, making him smile slightly. But then he felt a little disgusted with himself. It didn't even occur to him that the woman would stand up for him.

"I don't deserve this. I couldn't even think of giving in to Hanashi in this. And she thought of me. She lived a beautiful life and deserved another one," he finally said, bowing his head.

The woman looked moved at Decim. She had never been in a situation where someone gave up their own good for hers. Was it the great friendship, or did she fall in love at that moment, after those few weeks?

The way Hanashi looked at the bartender interested Oculus slightly. From her reaction, he concluded that she was not very good at interpersonal relationships between men and women.

"It's even better than those Turkish TV series," he thought, looking curiously at the unfolding scene.

"Don't you dare say that. I've had my own experiences, unlike you," Hanashi nearly hissed at Decim.

"I can't bear the thought that this will mean eternal suffering for you."

"You'll forget about it anyway."

"The thing is, I don't want to forget about you!" Decim said loudly, probably the loudest in his entire existence.

Surprised by his words, he looked at his hands and then at the redhead. He had never seen her smile like that before, and it seemed to automatically put a smile on his face.

"I think it's the first time something went my way. And because of this, I can't carry out the sentence I wanted. This is the end, you can still say goodbye," Oculus interrupted them.

Tears appeared in Hanashi's eyes. She ran to Decim and hugged him tightly. Unfortunately, it's unlikely she'll get the chance to do that again. The man immediately grabbed her just as tightly.

They pulled away from each other, their shoulders slightly wet, and smiled. Then a quick thought came to the bespectacled woman's head... She stood on her tiptoes and gave the blue-eyed man a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck, pretty eyes," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

They entered the elevators. The woman kept looking at her feet. She was scared. Until the door finally closed, and she felt like she was going up.

So many tears fell from her eyes that she was surprised at the amount of water in her body. The skin began to peel off her body, revealing a mannequin. The last tears fell, and then there was nothing.

Oculus, in turn, smiled as he watched the two white masks placed above the elevators.

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