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Gonna be a long ah chapter, I've got some good stuff coming pooks 😘😘

Lilith's pov—

Today is the start of spring break, two weeks off of school thank god.

Me and Jade got in the car after I grabbed all my things and Jade drove over to my house. I grabbed my things from her car and brought them in. Mom and Jayson went to the store to buy groceries so I was left alone with Jade.

I sigh sitting down on jades lap on the couch. I kiss her on the cheek and snuggle into the crook of her neck. "Hey baby." She said rubbing my back, holding me closely. "Hi." I say muffled unto her neck.

I sit up and look at Jade. "Okay, we have a few hours before my friend gets here, and I want to get her a gift." I said. "Okay, question.." she asked. "Ask away." I said. "Can she know about us..? Like does she know your.." "Gay? No, this is the first time dating a girl or really anyone for that fact." I finished her sentence. "Oh, okay." She said. "It'll only be for a bit until I build up the courage to tell her." I said kissing her.

"Yeah, I get it." She said kissing me back. "Yeah there's gonna have to be less of this." I said. "Less of what?" She said kissing me again. "That" I said. "Oh less of this..?" She asked kissing down my neck. I leaned my head to the side, "yeah..." I said. "Mhm...okay." She continued kissing my neck. "Hey, no hickeys don't want her jumping on my ass about some secret lover okay?" I said as she pulled away from my neck.

She licked her lips seductively looking at my eyes and mouth. "Hey, stop that." I said smiling. "I don't know what you're talking about.." she said leaning closer to me. "Why do you do this bro." I said trying to contain my flustered expression. "Do what?" She asked. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

She smirked as she leaned into me and kissed me, my hand behind her crept up into her hair as she passionately kissed me, her hand holding my waist and the other caressing my inner thigh. The way her hand teased me reminded me of last night... fuck this women. I made soft moans into the kiss.

I heard the front door begin to unlock but before I could pull away the door was already open and my brothers jaw was on the floor. "Ooooooooooooo Lilith is making out on the couch with jadeeeeee!!" He yelled loud enough for my mom to hear. "Really!" I sharply yelled at him. "What?" He asked acting stupid.

Me and Jade separated from each other before my mom walked in, she gave me a look and brought the groceries into the kitchen. Jayson shut the door after bringing in the last few bags. "Alright we should go." I whispered to Jade. She nodded. "Hey mom I'm gonna go gift shopping before Terese gets here." I said getting up. "Okay, the gift she sent you is in your room while your up there get changed." She said. "Okay."

I made my way upstairs and Jade followed. I walked into my room and saw a box, I grabbed the scissors off my desk and cut the tape wrapping the box, I opened it and saw a wrapped gift, I sigh as Jade sat down in the chair and watched.

I unwrapped it and saw a card and picked it up, it was decorated with heart stickers and swirls of red and pink I open it and it unfolds into long fully written pages extending longer than the length of my room. "What the shit." Jade says. "That's what I'm saying,.." I start reading the first page, she talk about her start of school with out me.

I'm half way through the long paper and Jade is scrolling on her phone, I read "low key might have had a crush on you at some point..." I gasped. "What?" Jade asked. "No way." I start to laugh, Jade comes over and starts to read. "What the heck." We laugh it off and I continue reading the letter, after what seems like forever I eventually get to the end and fold it all back up. "That was a lot." I sigh.

I set the letter down and look into the box and pull out a hand made self care basket, "awww!! This is so cute." I say pulling out all kinds of different self care products, bath-bombs, lotions, face masks, you name it. I put everything back set the basket in my bathroom and collect all the trash into the box and set it on the floor.

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