- And then?

- Then, Bea kicked us out so she could close the bakery, and I fled home with Iris.

- And there is our Theresa – comments Anna, while Sofia slaps forehead. Don't judge me. It was a lot for me. I needed time to recover.

- Continuing... yesterday, Seungmin didn't come to class, right? And I even thought I wouldn't see him at all. However, when I was leaving the classroom, I was dragged to another empty one.

- OMG!

- I know! To put it simply, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

-WHAT? OH MY GOD! Are you kidding!?

- Nope! I told him no.


-I want to take things calmly-

Anna looks at me as if I had three heads.

- You, literally, for the last few months, have been obsessed with this boy and when he FINALLY tells you that he feels the same and that he wants more, you say no?

- It's not that I don't want more! I just need time to get used to the change.

- I guess everyone has their own beliefs.

- After that he asked me if I wanted to spend the afternoon with him and then we went to an ice cream shop and ate ice cream.

- Girl! I love ice cream! I'm already liking this Seungmin guy! – Sofia's enthusiasm makes me laugh. I love this girl!

- Right after we finished eating, he took me to a bookstore. We spent two hours there just looking at books...

- Boring – interrupts Anna.

- I think it's cute – says Sofia.

-... and, as we left, he bought me a book.

- Marry him now! He gave you a book? It doesn't get any better, Theresa! Don't let him get way– great minds think alike, Sofia.

- We may or may not have held hands while we walked.

When I say this, they both squeal. I know! Now think as if you were in my place at that moment. I died, visited heaven (seeing what I will never have) and came back.

I still feel the way his fingers intertwined with mine. And, when he approached me, when he took me home, and gave me a little kiss on the forehead (it could have been somewhere else, but whatever).

- Theresa? Please tell me yes – begs Anna – Did you two kiss?

Does she think I would have the courage to do that? I wanted to (my pillow is a witness), but I don't have that kind of confidence. And I doubt he'll try, since I told him I wanted to take it easy (I'm really stupid).

- Do you really think we did it? Me and Seungmin?

- You and me, what?

I feel an arm come over my shoulders, pulling me against his body, and a kiss on my forehead.

- I missed you – he whispers in my ear.


I can only see Anna and Sofia's smiles. But the latter, just to be a killjoy, soon changes her expression to one of disgust.

- Ew! What did I just see?! I'm leaving. Bye.

And with that, she walks out the door, leaving just me, Seungmin, Anna and Hyunjin.

- Yeah... Hwang? Are you also going to the pools complex to train?

- To the pools complex? Isn't it closed for maintenance today? – he asks, confused. But, when he notices Ana's pleading eyes, he connects the dots and realizes what she means – Ah! Right! Yes, I will! I was getting it mixed with yesterday.

- But you said that you went to train yesterday... - Seungmin can't even finish the sentence, as the other two are already around the corner, getting out of the building.

- Now, it's just us... - says Seungmin, as he turns to me, so that we are face to face -... alone... - he ties my hands, pulling them behind his back, so as to hug him. I rest my head on his chest-...without interruptions...-I feel his arms hugging me and his chin resting on my head. He swings us from side to side.

- I hope you know that we are in the middle of the corridor. We are not alone!

He laughs.

- Why? Do you want to go somewhere more private? For example... my apartment... my bedroom...

I start hitting his chest.

-Don't be a perv!

He starts laughing. Dickhead! I'm a saint! Have some respect!

- Disgusting! – comments Han as he passes us with Chan and Changbin.

- Leave them alone – Chan defends and then addresses us – We were thinking about going out and find something to eat. Do you want to come?

- I think they preferred to do other things, right? – says Changbin with a suggestive look. I hope he's not implying what I think he's implying. These jerks all have corrupted minds.

- Want to go? – Seungmin asks me.

I nod and, like that, the five of us leave the building, Seungmin with his arm resting on my shoulders.

Next chapter...

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