9 - A Silent Hero

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We sit there, the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze and the soft murmur of the flowing water beneath us making me feel more alive than I have in a long time. The sound of laughter from Jake and Jay drifts towards us, but it feels distant as if we're in our own little bubble. I steal glances at Niki, who's looking around the park with wide eyes, taking in every detail with a childlike wonder that's infectious. Then, before I get to look away, he turns to me. Shit. I quickly look away but I'm sure he caught me staring. My heart races, my cheeks warming with a blush I can't control. I pretend to be engrossed in the scenery, but every fiber of my being is hyper-aware of his presence beside me.

Then he nudges my arm gently, breaking through my attempts to act nonchalant. I glance at him, unsure of what to expect, but his expression is soft and warm, devoid of any judgment or discomfort. "Do you think they'll notice if we disappear for a bit?"

I can't help but smile at his suggestion, a flutter of excitement bubbling up inside me. "I don't think so," I sign back, my heart pounding in my chest. He grins mischievously, and before I know it, he's grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. He carries my oxygen tank like it weighs nothing and makes sure it's securely tucked under his arm before intertwining our fingers. The sensation of his hand in mine sends shivers down my spine, igniting a warmth that spreads from my fingertips to the deepest corners of my heart.

Please, don't make it stop, this feeling of pure exhilaration coursing through my veins. Please, make it stop, this feeling of vulnerability creeping in alongside the excitement. It's exhilarating yet terrifying, like standing at the edge of a cliff, unsure if you'll fall or fly.

We're walking side by side, hand in hand, but it doesn't look like he's nervous or half as bewildered as I am. There's a natural ease in his movements, a fluidity that suggests he's at home in moments like these. And I can't help but be happy. For him. For us. 

I feel his hand slip away from mine, and for a moment, panic grips my heart. Is he about to tell me to stop gawking and get a grip on myself? Is he going to pull away and leave me standing here alone, feeling foolish and exposed? No, he doesn't. Because the next thing I know is him crouching down to pick up a fallen flower, its delicate petals cradled gently in his hand. "For you," He signs and I smile, feeling a rush of warmth flood my chest. Gosh, he can be so sweet without even saying a word. I reach out to take the flower, letting my fingers brush against his as I do. "Pretty."

I nod, my smile widening as I admire the flower in my hand. "Yes, it's beautiful."

Niki's eyes light up with joy at my response, and he reaches out to gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "No, you're pretty." Heart, please don't fail me now. Please stop racing so fast. But it's no use; if my heart could talk it would be screaming at the top of its metaphorical lungs.

I chuckle awkwardly, looking away to hide my blushing cheeks. "I love it here," I say, forgetting that he can't even, hear me. "Should I take off my oxygen mask for a while? It's a nice day." I carefully remove my oxygen mask, taking in a deep breath of the crisp, clean air around us. It feels liberating, but Niki grabs my hand and when I turn to look at him, he's frowning. 

"Is this... okay?" His fingers stop, his words faltering for a moment as he struggles to express himself. I can see the worry in his eyes, the furrow of his brow, and it tugs at my heartstrings in a way I can't quite explain.

I smile gently, shaking my head to reassure him. "Yes, it's okay. I'm fine without it for a little while, especially in this nice weather." He lets go of my hand, watching me while I twirl and dance around, reveling in the freedom of breathing without the aid of my oxygen mask. The air feels lighter, fresher as it fills my lungs, and I can't help but close my eyes and tilt my head back, letting the warmth of the sun wash over me. I love this feeling—the feeling of being unburdened, of experiencing the world without the constant reminder of my limitations. I can never take this feeling for granted, because in the back of my mind, I'm always aware of the oxygen tank waiting for me. 

I'm too lost in the way the sun feels against my skin and in the way the breeze plays with my hair to notice Niki running to me, his eyes filled with panic. But when I do, it's too late and he's pushing me out of the way with a force that takes me by surprise. Before I can comprehend what's happening, there's a deafening crack followed by a heavy thud. We both stumble, and I feel a sharp pain shoot through my knee as we fall to the ground. Gasping in shock, I instinctively reach for my injured knee, feeling a warm trickle of blood beneath my fingertips. "Niki-" I whisper, my voice catching in my throat.

He's panicking, his fingers trembling as he reaches to touch my leg, my knee, the source of my pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he signs frantically, his eyes wide with fear and guilt. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay," I manage to choke out, despite the throbbing pain pulsating through my knee. "It's not your fault." But it's hard to convince him, hard to reassure him when my knee feels like it's on fire and I can barely hold back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "Niki, are you okay?" I sign frantically, my hands trembling as I reach out to him. But he doesn't respond, his attention focused on something behind me. 

The sound of fabric tearing snaps me out of my trance and I turn to Niki, watching as he tears off a piece of his shirt and uses it to apply pressure to my knee wound. My heart aches at the sight of him tearing his shirt, sacrificing a part of himself to help me.  "Thank you," I say, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips despite the pain throbbing through my knee, and when his eyes soften, I know he could read my lips. 

"I can't hear the world like you do or talk like everyone else, but I can still do this," He signs, a small, sad smile playing on his lips. "And I'm sorry it's all I could do."

"You saved me, Niki. I don't know what I would have done without you." I pat his arm, my fingers lingering on the torn fabric of his shirt. The texture feels rough against my fingertips. "I should buy you a new shirt." His silent chuckle makes me smile wider and I watch as he stands up and retrieves my oxygen tank before handing me back my oxyden mask. "Thank you." I carefully secure it back on my face, grateful for the familiar hiss of oxygen flowing through the tubes.

And then the two of us arewalking back to the bridge where we were sitting with the others. Well, Niki does the walking while also carrying me on his back and my oxygen tank like a true hero. I find myself leaning against his back, enjoying the piggy back ride.

The others on the bridge notice our return and concern and relief flickers across their faces. "Where were- what the hell happened to you two?" Jake's eyes widen and he rushes to us, his eyes flickering between Niki and my injured knee. 

"I tripped and Niki helped me." I explain, wincing a little as I shift my weight. The pain is still there, but it's bearable. I can see the realization dawning on their faces as they take in the torn fabric on Niki's shirt and the makeshift bandage on my knee. 

"Are you okay?" Jay asks and I'm about to answer when I realize it's not me who he's talking to. He's staring at Niki—at Niki's hand and when I lean to have a better view, I see it too. Niki's hand is bleeding, a pretty deep cut from where he must have pushed me away from the falling branch. I gasp, the guilt hitting me like a wave. It's only then I realize just how selfless Niki is, not even wincing or complaining about his own injury while worrying about mine.

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