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It was calm, a moment ago. Everything was going smoothly with no mistakes. People in the working place were just sitting in their offices doing work quietly and with no disruption.

The room was cold as the ac provided cold air so the workers don't feel hot while doing their job. It was all going well.

A worker stood up from their chair. A mug filled with coffee in their hand. They begin walking towards a microwave they conviently have in their work place.

The person opens the microwave and puts the coffee mug in. They close it and set a timer for about a minute so they could warm their coffee up.

But the person was careless as there was a metal spoon in the mug. Probably when they mixed the hot water and the coffee powder together, they forgot to take the spoon out.

So the mindless person just leaned on the wall, waiting for their drink to heat up. Unbeknowst to them that... a disaster was about to happen.

The worker idley stood there, looking at their phone and scrolling through social media as they wait. "Oh they released Tekken 8... I might buy it when I get home."

As the person continued on scrolling through social media, someone would slowly walk up to them from behind. "What are you doing!?" The person says abruptly making the other jump in surprise and almost dropping his phone.

"Shit! Holy crap, man... don't come up from behind like that. You almost made me drop my phone." The worker held his phone close to him as the other laughed.

"Heh. It should've dropped." The one trying to scare the man said followed with a laugh. "That would've been funny as hell." They wipe a tear off their eye from laughing too much.

"So what are you microwaving anyways?" The prankster worker asks his workmate. The phone using worker responds.

"Just some coffee." He says going back to looking on his phone. The prankster of a worker looks in the microwave and his eyes immediately widen.

"BRO YOU PUT A METAL SPOON IN THER-" He couldn't complete what he was saying as the microwave explodes. The loud sound alerted the others and made them stand up from their seats.

Fire begins appearing after the explosion and it begins spreading across the room. The smoke detector goes off along with the people's screams.

The people begin running around frantically not being organized. They all try to go through the exit, being pushy and trampling others just to get out of here. It was chaotic.

Hot fire begins spreading out even more, making the people panic even more. A person would go after the phone and diall a number. "Fire department! Help us please!"

The person continued to panically speak into the phone, whilst also watching if the fire is getting close to them. "PLEASE BE QUICK!" they then end the call.

The fire begins spreading throughout the building even faster. The people from outside the structure could see the raging flames as it begins consuming the building slowly and turning it into ash.

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