Three - Racing Into the Night

Start from the beginning

"Kumiko! Wake! Up! There's a fire!" I shouted, not wasting time to pull her out of bed. Noticing that she was still semi-groggy despite the fire enveloping her entire desk, I picked her up and threw her onto my back before the smoke could clog our throats. Feeling her forehead, I realized why she couldn't wake up. "Fuck, you're burning! Do you seriously have a fever?!" I panicked, grabbing a blanket and pillow on the way out. Why does the protagonist always isn't fair. I want for her to find her happy ending too...

"Y- *cough* Yuk- Yukiko? W- What's happening?" She asked. 

"Your room caught on fire...I'll try to stop it right now. Stay safe and knock on the dorm next to ours! And next time, don't exert yourself too much by getting some snacks for me. I can guess that you probably went out in the rain to get them. Here, take some, I'll be back soon!" Before she could protest, I ran into the room again, trying to think of a way to stop the fire. Water is always effective, but I don't have enough time to pour stuff all over this place. I coughed, hunching on my knees. Come on brain, think! 

I looked at the scene and realized that the fire was spreading awfully. There was absolutely no chance I would be able to stop the fire manually and I'm not agile and fast enough to grab water from the bathroom and hurry back. The conflagration was already spreading over the floor, thus, the only way to make it out alive was by running. I grabbed Kumiko and heaved her onto my back. It was difficult  because my hand was hurting from the wound I received earlier today, but if I exert myself a little bit, I can save Kumiko and contact the people in the dorm next to me without causing too much of a ruckus. This works to my advantage so that the whole harem won't be coming to her and comforting her. Although I would appreciate someone helping her right now, it doesn't do any good when so many people are gathering around a sick person. It seems like I have no choice. 

I coughed as the air grew heavier with smoke and quickly examined the damage before going down on my knees to avoid the smoke. I then set Kumiko down onto a blanket to make sure she didn't breathe any poisonous carbon monoxide and put a piece of cloth over her nose and mouth, leaving a bit of room for clean air. I then started pulling the ends of the pieces of fabric and evacuated the burning dorm. 

I set down a few of her belongings that I was carrying and started hacking. "*cough cough* not too bad. She's safe and that's all that matters. Damn it, should have gone into her room earlier, maybe I could've stopped it..." I continued coughing. "I should get going for help," I muttered, feeling slightly hazy. I could feel my eyes swirling and my brain clouding up as smoke coming from inside filled my lungs. "Fuck...I'm not gonna suffocate here...I still have to take care of Kumiko..." I coughed again, eyes becoming slightly blurry. 

I slowly made my way, crawling over to the next dorm and knocked on the door. As I lay on the ground, my breath grew steadier and once I stopped having my coughing fit, I looked up to see who was helping me up. Is it Teruko or Takeshi?

"Idiot...what the hell do you think you're doing?" The person in front of me asked.

"Who even are you *cough*," I struggled to form words. Once we exited, I looked up to see my savior and it was Rin...My eyes widened. Was my friendship percentage that high? No, I guess in this simulation I happened to be his dorm neighbor. "Oh...hi my dorm is on fire and Kumiko is sick, so could you please take her to the nurse's..." I rushed over to Kumiko and dragged her over, feeling her forehead while I was at it. "Damn it, she's got a high fever! Rin *cough* let's get her to the hospital *cough*-!!" I started hacking again as my vision was starting to swirl. No I'm not fainting while Kumiko is in danger. I won't allow it. 

I noticed from the corner of my eye a blonde hair man with pink tips exiting Rin's dorm. Shidou? Wow, they are dorm partners, that's funny. "Oi~ Rin-chan~ What are you doing?"

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