I still miss her... (Climber x Karl)

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We're starting off with a Valentine's Day themed oneshot, yippee!

Author's Note: I will add this to my Karl Headcanons chapter when I make one, but for now to prevent any confusion, I will mention that I headcanon that Karl uses he/she/they pronouns.

Climber's POV:

"Ready to decorate for Valentine's Day?" I said cheerfully as I held up the box of Valentine's Day decorations. "Uh, sure...I guess." Karl sighed with a bit of a tone in his voice, and not facing me either, which I noticed. I raised an eyebrow with concern.

"Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah why? I said I'll help you." Karl replied with the same rude tone. I knew he was pissed about something, and he just didn't wanna prove it. I shook my head. "Well, it's not that, it's just you look..." But before I could finish my sentence, Karl interrupted me.

"I SAID I'LL HELP, OK?!" she snapped at me loudly, turning towards me. I gulped. I never liked it when others raise their voice at me. "Ok...I'm sorry, just please don't yell at me..." I murmured. Karl rolled her eyes. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." He took one of the boxes of decorations and huffed rudely.

I watched Karl help me decorate. Although he told me that he was ok, he obviously was upset. He wasn't acting like his usual self. "You sure you're ok?" I asked, as I turned to them. Karl nodded. "Yes, I just wanna get this done with." he said with a heavy sigh. At least she didn't raise her voice again. "Ok..." I shrugged.

A few hours later

"Hey, have you seen Karl around lately?" Jackie asked me. "Yeah, we were decorating for Valentine's Day together a while ago." I replied. "But, now that you mention it, I haven't seen him ever since." I scratched my head.

I looked around, and then back at Jackie. "I'll try to find him for you." I replied. He nodded as I went to look for Karl.

I didn't really know where she could possibly be at this point, and the way she was acting before had me even more concerned.

As I walked by the lighthouse, I spotted Arma perched on a nearby plant. As his companion, Arma is usually seen with them. But however, she was all by herself and Karl wasn't with her, which was very peculiar.

I walked over to Arma, hoping that she would at least know where Karl was. "Hey Arma, do you happen to know where Karl is? Is she alright? I noticed that she's been acting off today." I said. Arma pointed up at the lighthouse. I looked up at the lighthouse and saw a blur of yellow and orange sitting at the top.

I gave Arma a worried look. "Why are they up there?" I asked nervously. Arma looked back at me with her bright red eyes and tilted her head at me, as she seemed to be just as confused as I was. Karl always had a massive fear of heights, considering him being a statue and all that. I never thought he would be up somewhere so high. I looked back at the lighthouse. "I...I guess I should go up there and check on her." I murmured.

I headed to the top of the lighthouse and saw Karl sitting by herself, her fluffy ponytail slightly moving around in the night breeze. They didn't notice me yet, so I tried not to startle them. "Hey Karl, just checking on you." I said softly.

Karl looked back at me when he heard my voice. I noticed that his eyes were damp from crying. "Oh, I didn't expect you to find me here." he choked out through his tears. She didn't say anything else. Just let out a sniffle and choked out a sob as she turned away. I sat next to her and noticed she was looking through some sort of book.

It had seemed to be some sort of scrapbook, the pages involved many photos of Karl and Rachel together. I sat next to Karl and watched as she flipped through the scrapbook, her tears dampening some of the pages a bit.

One of the photos that caught my eye was a selfie that they took together on the top of the lighthouse. It seemed pretty old, possibly taken sometime around when they first met each other.

So, this wasn't the first time he was up here. "I didn't know you like it up here." I said, noticing the photo and looking around at how high up we were. Karl didn't look at me. "It's not like I really go here that often..." she sniffled. "Just once a year..."

Karl looked down at the photo of him and Rachel at the lighthouse. "Rachel and I would go up here together every Valentine's Day night for a date and watch the stars, usually we would even get here earlier to watch the sunset." Karl's voice cracked a bit. "It was really fun but....now she's gone..."

Karl began tearing up even more after saying that last part. He buried his face into his knees and cried softly. I didn't really know how to react at this point. He still blamed himself for Rachel's death, even though it was a few months ago.

I pulled Karl into a hug as she cried into my arms. "I just...I could've prevented this...I could've done something." Karl choked out through her sobs.

I hugged him tighter, trying not to break him due to his fragile material. "I know you miss Rachel, and I do too." I looked up at the sky, and back at Karl. "But she wouldn't want you to spend the entire holidays crying and weepy, wouldn't she?"

Karl shook her head. "I bet that Rachel wants you to celebrate them just like how you did with her." I smiled at them.

I reached under my belt and took out a yellow ribbon, which I then placed underneath her bandana. Karl looked up at me and blushed when he noticed the ribbon.

"There was some leftover ribbons from when we were decorating." I said, blushing as well. "I thought it would look really pretty on you, and I know that yellow is your favourite color." Karl smiled and dried the tears from their face.

"Heh...thanks." she sighed, her voice still raspy from crying earlier. "No problem." I said, scratching my head. "And if you want to, maybe we could meet up here again and hang out together on Valentine's Day night."

Karl's eyes glistened. "Really?" he smiled and hugged me tighter. "Thank you so much." I giggled and patted Karl's head. "Anything for you." I replied.

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