Shang Rong's voice was very small, and he was very careful when he returned to the station:

"My name is Shang Rong."

Mingluo chuckled: "Then I'll call you Velvet, okay! What a cute name, as cute as you, what are you doing?"

Shang Rong pointed to his computer:

"I'm a data worker, a data clerk."

Mingluo clapped his hands in surprise:

"Ah! Then we are both from the logistics team, and I am also a data clerk!" Shang

Rong's eyes drifted towards the bloody dagger, and he didn't say anything, as if he had said everything.

Mingluo laughed:

"Isn't this a little weird on the way to work, and it's easy to solve it, I'll wash the knife later."

She picked up the knife and walked to the bathroom in a bloody and furious manner, leaving Shang Rong stunned in place.

The information officer of the Investigation Division...... Can you do weird with your bare hands? It's really ...... Awesome, awesome in every sense of the word.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ah Luo was still talking about the file naming format one second, and the next second he picked up the embroidered cloth bag of ethnic minorities:

"Let's go!".

Looking at her back as the wind disappeared, Shang Rong couldn't help but sigh: This investigation office, she can be regarded as the right one.

After another day of work, I didn't see anyone else except A Luo and Xing Jiahui, and the first week of Shang Rong's work ended like this, ready for a pleasant weekend.

Back in the dormitory on Friday night, Shang Rong was already humming and chirping in his mind: [Mom, I'm hungry, I want to go out to forage for food, but I don't want to leave my mother, so my mother has no god to protect me, oops! I'm so entangled, it's so hard to be a good boy!]

Shang Rong was speechless and played the game:

[Don't get entangled, tomorrow Mom will take you to forage.]



Then it hummed "Only Mom is Good in the World" in Shang Rong's mind for an hour , Shang Rong stopped it many times and it was useless, it had to express its gratitude to its mother, Shang Rong could hear it wearing headphones, the key was that it was out of tune, and it sang crookedly.

In the end, Shang Rong could only go to bed two hours earlier than his usual bedtime, and made a threat of "I'm going to sleep" to make Ouranos completely shut up and keep quiet.

Not to mention anything else, maintaining his mother's fragile human body, supervising his mother's early bed, early rising, healthy diet, and normal work and rest, Ouranos is serious. The lifespan of human beings is so short, in case of quack, the mother will only have a soul state, and there will be no gentle embrace that it likes, and Ouranos doesn't want that.

The next day, early Saturday morning, Shang Rong got up full of energy.

Ouranos greets good morning in her mind every day, and by the way, broadcasts today's daygas, as well as recommended outfits, as if a competent AI intelligent housekeeper.

Shang Rong began to think that it was good to have Ouranos here, in addition to being a little troublesome to feed, in such a weird and rampant world, her security level was very high, and she could chat with people anytime and anywhere.

Put on a mountaineering suit, bring sunglasses and a mask, carry a large school bag, put the doll inside, and pinch the tentacles of the doll by the way. Wear your hair in a high ponytail and have chocolate, snacks and energy drinks ready to tuck over your doll. Put on your sneakers and set off towards Ruifeng Mountain!

Shang Rong wore a gray powder mountaineering suit, passed by a cosplay store outside the school, thought about it, and went in to buy a black opaque robe that was ankle-length and wrapped from head to toe, and it was quite imposing to wear.

There is a scenic bus behind the school, with Shang Rong all the way to the entrance of the scenic spot, the ticket is twenty yuan, Shang Rong did not buy a ticket, and at a glance according to the information, went straight to the villa area under the mountain.

At this time, in a place that Shang Rong didn't know, a team of members of the front-line team of the Investigation Department was driving to Ruifeng Mountain.

Just the night before yesterday, an Internet celebrity couple went deep into the scenic spot to conduct a live broadcast and disappeared at the live broadcast site, causing a huge panic. The police investigation was fruitless and found strange traces, and the Special Investigation Division was notified this morning.

The disappearance of this kind of couple also brought public opinion on the Internet, which had a great impact, and the investigation department immediately dispatched manpower to enter here. There are a total of 20 teams in the Special Investigation Division, all of which are anomaly investigators, and Fu has transferred the ninth team over.

There are a total of five members of the ninth group, one is a powerful attacker, and the other is a strong healing system, with good ability, suitable for rapid attack and retreat, and he is also a veteran in performing this kind of sudden mission.

The black high-end official car drove directly into the interior of the scenic spot, drove to the mountainside position that could no longer be climbed, and the five people got out of the car and walked to the mountain with various equipment.

Although it is Saturday, this scenic spot is not well-known, most of the people who come are ordinary people around, and there are many elderly people who go to do Tai Chi, and there are basically no foreign tourists. It is said that the Internet celebrity couple heard that this place was haunted from somewhere, so they came to visit the ghosts at night with their equipment, evaded the management of the scenic spot, and climbed the mountain in the middle of the night, but they had an accident.

At the location where the Internet celebrity couple last appeared, the police used a special device to test the contamination residue, which was pollution from different species.

Towards the top of the mountain, the team members all have a red warning symbol on their watches.

"It's dangerous here...... The pollution level is higher than expected, doesn't the data say that there are only C-class xenomorphs here?"

Xiao Li said in shock, watching the pollution index on his watch continue to rise.

"Alert! Don't act without permission, first investigate within five meters of the surroundings!"

Team Leader Wang said vigilantly.

The crowd dispersed in a circle, carefully probing step by step with special instruments, and someone said, "I have found traces of human beings, entangled with pollution,
and I ...... forward from here."

 He held the instrument and was excited for a moment, so he didn't try it first with the pathfinder machine, but took a step forward directly.

Transparent water waves instantly rippled in the air, rippling layer by layer, and the human body was like a stone falling into the water, easily and quickly wrapped in the center of the water waves, and completely disappeared, leaving no trace at all.

The other people looked ugly and looked at each other:

"This field is not small, it looks like a B-class." 

Team Leader Wang sent the information to the headquarters, so that the team members could get ready, and the whole team would enter the field to explore.


Everything is normal in the villa area at the foot of the mountain, and Ouranos has found nothing, so Shang Rong went out in confusion to buy tickets and start climbing the mountain.

As soon as she got up the mountain, Ouranos became much more excited, and happily showed her the way:

"This way, this way, my mother is so kind to me, I smell the fragrance, what a delicious meal! Great!]

Very fragrant meal...... Then this xenomorph is probably more than C-class. Or is there more than one xenomorph?

Shang Rong guessed and walked forward, long since he deviated from the main road, walked into a lush forest, and came to a place with dense footprints.

Ouranos was even more excited:

"Here! Go forward, it's full of rice! Wow! I love my mother so much!]

Shang Rong took a few steps forward, passing through the transparent water waves, his eyes blinked, and the surrounding environment instantly became strange and ...... Eccentric.

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