Chapter 1

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(I may change the perspective type to first person. I'm testing something new- Also its your pov rn)

You were sitting at your desk when your assistant came in holding a stack of papers. You look up from what you were doing for a moment then go back to it writing a few things down then look up again giving her your full attention. She scurrys up to your desk with the papers, you noticed on top of the stack of papers there was a clipboard.

"I have the papers you asked for!!" She says placing the stack on the desk. You moved your chair a bit so you weren't stuck behind your monitor.

"Thank you, Ester." You say, giving her a small smile. You pick up the clipboard that was on the stack of papers.

"What's this?" You ask, looking over the clipboard, holding it up a bit for her to see. It seemed to be someone's file, it was labeled classified in bright red letters at the top in the corner.

"This is your new patient's file, you were assigned to." She replies.

"I wasn't notified about any new patients..." You mumble as you flip through the clipboard briefly scanning over it. It seemed they were in a psych ward right now.

"I'm really sorry it was really short notice- I just found out myself..." She mumbles, seeming a bit guilty that she wasn't able to give you a heads up.

"It's fine- but why specifically me? There are others that would be good and qualify for the job." You ask, looking up from the clipboard. This isn't your first time dealing with clients from psych wards or mental hospitals, but it did make you curious on why you specifically were chosen when there were many better choices.

Your assistant shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. I did try to ask, and mention giving it to someone else but they were persistent on it being you."

You sigh, rubbing your forehead and leaning back in your chair, closing your eyes thinking. You already had a handful of clients to deal with on top of other things, now you have to add this-. You groan.

"When is my first session with the new patient?" You ask with your eyes still closed, still massaging your forehead. You really feel like the higher ups don't care about your schedule nor your time. They love to add more to your work load randomly and sometimes not randomly but either way it's stressful. But it's nothing new- it isn't the first time they randomly gave you a new client without any heads up, but it was still annoying and stressful.

She hesitatingly answers, "They said your first session will be later today... I don't know what time yet exactly." She then quickly adds, "I am truly sorry- I asked if it could be any other day! ..But they insisted it was today.."

You let out a long breath, leaning forward putting your elbows on the desk, your head in your hands. "It's not your fault-" You mumble. You know she tried, you couldn't blame her. You move your hands through your hair before sitting up. You look back down at the clipboard.

After a little bit of scanning and flipping through random pages not really reading anything yet. Adventally you look up from the clipboard, looking over at your assistant.

She looked anxious. To keep her busy and keep her mind off things you ask if she could make you a cup of coffee. Her face brightens as she's told to do something to keep herself busy. She quickly says of course and scurrys off out of the room.

You smile a little as she leaves but then it quickly fades as you look back down at the clipboard in front of you.

You look at the name of the client. It read, 'Wally Darling'.

'Wally Darling... Interesting... Why do I feel like I've heard that name before?'

Next to the name part, it said gender and in the space next to it read male. There was other information listed like blood type, height, weight, etc. And holy sh*t he was tall- it says here he's 6'4.

You notice that there was a photo of him on the front of the first paper too- In the photo he was all tied up. His hair was messy and he had a muzzle on. You wonder how you didn't see it before when it was right there-

You flip through a few pages on the clipboard and see that there were a few more photos of him. Two of them were his mug shots, from the front and side angle. He still had a muzzle on and handcuffs. 'I wonder why he needs to be muzzled?'

You bring your attention over the more in depth information on him. You were slightly surprised it didn't say much. All it says is that he is a serial killer and suposide cannibal but it was never fully proved it said. Reading the cannibal part and a bit of the serial killer part made you shiver and feel a bit sick in the stomach. This isn't your first time dealing with killers but still... 

You tried to look more into it but it didn't say much else except that he used to work at a butcher shop. Other than that there wasn't much else... Odd...

You decide to look him up on your computer to maybe get more information on him.

It turns out that the butcher shop he worked at was a family business. It looks like he inherited the shop after his parents disappeared mysteriously and later found dead, murdered.

You try to find more on the topic but it didn't say much else- except that the murder was never found. You lean back in your chair, staring at the ceiling thinking but you were pulled out of your chain of thought when your door opened again.

You bend your head down a little while still leaning back. You see it was Ester and she was holding a steaming cup of coffee.

She quickly walked up to your desk and put the cup down. She notices you haven't touched the stack of papers she brought with the clipboard earlier yet.

"Do you know how to knock...?" You grumble sitting up again moving to grab the cup.

"S- Sorry!!" She exclaims about to say more but when she sees I'm about to grab the cup she quickly warns you that it's hot, you ignore her and grab the handle. You pick it up and bring it in front of me.

You blow on it and take a sip.

She was right, it was hot and you burned my mouth a bit in the process. You put your feet in the chair and cradle the coffee. You wait a bit for it to cool then take another sip.

"What time is it?" You mumble, looking over at your monitor that was still on while taking another sip of coffee.

You see Ester check their watch then quickly responds with, "It is exactly... 8:25 a.m."

You groan, putting your forehead on the desk.

After a minute of just sitting there you sit up again taking another long sip of coffee, grabbing your computer mouse. 'I'll do more research on him later-' You think as you close the previous tabs then open a new tab, putting down the coffee. Opening your emails.

While typing and opening tabs you grab your physical calendar with a free hand.

You take another sip of coffee.

You start to transfer information from your physical calendar to your digital.

Ester notices you start to get productive and doesn't want to bother you so she walks over to the sofa in the corner grabbing the laptop that was sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch opening it doing some work of her own.

Authors Note:

WO!!! The first chapter!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter!!

(Updates will be slow because of school, and personal things + Working on multiple different books at once.)

(I am planning on adding a character description/reference etc here but havent even started it and I can't draw XD, I also don't know what format to put in. But when I do figure it out i'll put it on this chapter or future chapters or whatever- Sorry i'm being so repetitive rn ANYWAY-)

I hope you have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night!!!

Word Count: 1337

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