My little goddess 2

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Jungwon started blushing cause....he was just too near!

"W-What are u doing,jay..?"ask jungwon, blushing.

"Hmm... I think I'm older than you,and that's means u have to call me Hyung."

"Pff,never!"How old are u,darling?" Jay asks with a smirk.

"Huh,I'm 19 years old,and u....Jay hyung?" Jungwon was grinning and just thought to himself, "Now the dude says, 'Oh no, I'm smaller.'

"I'm 21." Jay said with a smile."WHAT?!" jungwon said with shocked eyes.

After a few seconds, Jungwon looked into Jay's eyes and Jay into Jungwon's, they just had eye contact, but then it was broken with a deep voice that came from the house and said "OPEN THE DOOR, I KNOW THAT THE CLARITY GODDESS IS HERE 'THIS IS A WARNING!!" This was the guards!

When Junwon and Jay heard this, Jay saw jungwon him shocked and shaking. Jay took Jungwon's hand, and they went out the window. They started running. When the two of them were in another place far away from the guards, they lay down for a bit and caught their breath.

"I'm sorry." Jungwon said."For what?" Said jay

"For adding you to this mess too." Jungwon said and put his head down. Jay came to jungwon and said, "You know,it's ok! That was actually!"

Jungwon put his head up and saw into Jays eyes. "Thank u....hyung!" Said jungwon with a smile. Jay was happy when he saw his sweet and handsome smile and smiled back then he said quietly, "Cute, like a baby cat..."

"What did you say?" Jungwon said with a confused face. "Eh... nothing, nothing, come on, we have to move on and look for a place to stay because we can't stay here forever, can we?" Jungwon nodded, and the two left

After a few minutes, when the two of them walked a bit, they went into a very dark forest. "Hold my hand, Jungwon. Otherwise, we will get lost, and you know you are a goddess. If any creature sees you, it will quickly take you."

Jungwon took Jay's hand, and the two continued walking. After 5 minutes, Jungwon noticed that someone was throwing him against the wall of a tree. When he wanted to see who it was, he was full of fear because it was a vampire.

The vampire name was sunoo. Sunoo came closer to Jungwon and took his chin. "I knew I smelled a goddess scent."

Junwon pushed him and quickly stood up and ran to jay and screamed."JAAAAAAAY-HYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG!!!"

"Where were you,I was looking for you." Jay says.

"Long story, now run faster, or we'll get eaten." Jungwon says with scared eyes but suddenly notices something just on his was JAY LIPS?!

"What the fuck are you doing?! I'm about dying from afraid and you kissed me?!"Jay took Jungwon's chin and said very calmly, "I'm trying to make you quiet and you know...I didn't know you had such soft skin, want just eat you!"

NO! DON'T EAT ME!! IF YOU EAT ME I WILL FIRST KICK YOUR BIG ASS!" Jungwon said in a serious ton then jay hugged him "Awww,wonnieee I was just joking,yes I want eat you but like,like different."

"What do you mean with different?" Ask jungwon. Jay start blushing "Uhm...forget it,ok?" Jungwon smile and said "OK hyung!"

{Hey Guys! Sorry that these are such short chapters but I'll try to make them a little longer ;) ♥︎}

My Little goddess | Jaywon ffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant