Watching Braden display such care and tenderness with the baby intensifies my appreciation for him. It's a moment that resonates deeply, making me acknowledge the qualities I value in a partner and stirring a hopeful anticipation for the future.

As I observe Braden interacting with the baby in the corner, my heart warms at the sight of their playful exchange. The little one giggles as Braden lifts him in the air, creating a heartwarming scene. Unable to resist, I join them, smiling.

"He's taken a liking to you, hasn't he?" I remark, my admiration for the caring display evident.

Braden chuckles, gently bouncing the baby in his arms. "Seems like it. Babies have a way of making you forget about everything else, don't they?"

"Yeah," I reply wistfully. "They really do."

The conversation takes a reflective turn as I admit, "I never used to envision myself as a mom, you know? But lately, there's this longing, this ache almost, to experience the magic of motherhood. And seeing you with the baby, it makes me appreciate the kind of father you could be."

Braden's eyes soften, and he takes my hand. "Morgan, the thought of sharing that future with you, of creating a family together, is something I've been hoping for."

In that intimate moment, the future feels tangible, brimming with the potential for love, family, and a shared journey. My heart races as I grapple with the weight of the words that slipped out of my mouth. The feelings of guilt start to creep in; I voiced my desires without being entirely sure of my emotions toward Braden. Do I truly love him or not? It's a question that lingers, casting a shadow over the vulnerability I just exposed.

As I confront the uncertainty within myself, I'm acutely aware of the care and support Braden has provided me over the past year. There's a deep appreciation for the role he played in my life.

The entrance of Olivia serves as a welcome distraction, pulling me out of my labyrinth of conflicting thoughts. As she joins the celebration, her presence acts as a lifeline, providing a sense of relief from the mental tangle that had begun to ensnare me.

Olivia's entrance injects a burst of energy into the room, and soon, the air is filled with lively exchanges.

"Olivia, you made it!" Alexis exclaims, raising his glass in a toast.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" she responds, clinking her glass against his.

As the lively conversation continues, the topic of Olivia's boyfriend working on the official ball drop in town surfaces. The absence of her partner on this celebratory night is evident, but Olivia, ever resilient, joins the festivities with a smile.

"Oh, I wish he could be here, but you know how it is with the ball drop duty," she explains, a mix of pride and longing in her voice.

Braden, ever supportive, chimes in, "It's a crucial gig, especially on New Year's Eve. The whole city tunes in for that moment."

"Yeah, he's been doing it every year since we've been together," Olivia adds, a fondness evident in her expression.

The conversation takes a turn as I share my desire to attend the ball drop this year, a dream that I've been holding onto. "I've promised myself I'll do it one day," I say, my voice carrying a sense of determination. "Even if everyone thinks it's a crazy, dumb event that makes you pee in your pants."

Laughter erupts in response. The dream of experiencing the ball drop in person remains alive, a promise to myself that, despite the quirky warnings, I still believe will come true one day.

With our last guest having arrived, the lively group converges around the potluck table. The enticing aroma of various dishes fills the air, and the table is adorned with an array of culinary delights. Plates are filled with a diverse selection of foods, capturing the essence of each person's contribution to the feast.

In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.HUGHESOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant