Episode 5: Y/n Burnedead and Mohawk hair.

Start from the beginning

Mako: Thanks, Ryuko!

She says as they fall down and now the scene switches.

She says as they fall down and now the scene switches

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Mako: Wooow.

Maiko: So you can change the size of your scissor now, too!

Y/n: That's cool.

Ryuko: Pretty much. It's no big deal.

Senketsu: Your blood has been salty lately.

Ryuko: huh?

Senketsu: Don't you think you're getting a little cocky?

Ryuko: You can tell that from how my blood tastes?

Senketsu: I can immedietly spot any change in your physiology. Everything from your weight to your BMI.

Ryuko: Butt out of private stuff like that!

Y/n: *chuckling*

Senketsu: you've been eating too many of those croquettes, Ryuko.

Ryuko: No, that's called butting in where you're not wanted! I can't waste my time on chumps like these guys!

Senketsu: Calm yourself.

Omiko(to Maiko and y/n): Don't you think she's a little bit crazy?

Y/n: I can hear him too. Since he accidenly drunk my blood i can hear him too.

Omiko/Maiko: Ooooohhhh.

Mako: You're doing a comedy dua act all by yourself!

Ryuko: Huh?

Mako: Oh, you were talking to Senketsu, weren't you? Sorry, sorry! Still, that was a close call!

Mako: Oh, you were talking to Senketsu, weren't you? Sorry, sorry! Still, that was a close call!

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