Chapter 1

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The morning sun shone brightly through the large windows of Northshire Athletic Academy. Alice stared out across the vast grounds as other students bustled past her, chattering excitedly about the start of a new term. Yet for Alicw, this morning brought only a sense of unease.

As she made her way to her first class, whispers and stolen glances followed in her wake. Word had spread of the tragedy that occurred in one of the dorm rooms overnight. A first year student, Amber Findley, had been found dead. The cause was unclear, and many speculated it was foul play rather than an accident.

Alice tried her best to ignore the rumor mill, but a familiar voice drew her from her thoughts. "Alice, wait up!" She turned to see her old friend Percy rushing over, his blond-brunette curl voluminous, and his ocean eyes wavy. "Have you heard what happened?"

Before she could reply, Percy steered her to a quiet corner away from prying ears. "This is bad. Really bad. But that's not what I wanted to talk about." His eyes bore into hers with an intensity she hadn't seen in years. "Do you remember that night, ten years ago, in my hometown?"

Of course Alice remembered. How could she forget the encounter that had shaken her very core as a child and awakened unknown abilities within her? She nodded for Percy to continue. "The girl who saved you, with the red hair and pigtails. I spotted her last night." Percy drew a ragged breath. "She went past the gates into the woods, alone, clutching that ruby amulet. I think...I think she may have had something to do with Amber's death."

Alice's blood ran cold at Percy's theory. Could the mysterious girl from her past now be linked to this horrible crime? And what secrets did that amulet hold that drew them both to it, all those years ago? She had to find out the truth before anyone else got hurt.

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