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ME,SIENA,LUCIANA,FATBOY—who's real name is Julio—,LORALIE,AND LITTLE MAYLO were all in Sienas backyard sitting in her trampoline.Well of course we were because that's always where we hang out.We were all reading the newspaper.An article dedicated to our three missing cousins.All of us had read that article 20000 times but we thought if we read it just once more we might find something.But we had no leads whatsoever.I wasn't close to them.I remember when I was younger i overheard Aaron  telling Alfonso and Julian how annoying i was.I was 7 then.Although I wasn't close to them i was still concerned about the three of them

"Why don't we just...look for them?"Siena suggested

"How?We have no leads,no car.The cops are looking for them."states

"That's not how the police work." I said. "They don't look for them, they just know what they look like and if they see them they say they found them.But they don't actually look...I agree with jema.We should go look for them."

"Oh...well I still think it's a bad idea."

I DIDN'T KNOW IF SHE was right or wrong but i still wanted to look for them.I mean if your cousins were missing wouldn't you want to find them?Hopefully you said yes.

"Listen" I Said "If we do go look for them we're gonna need all the help we can get.And no adults"

"I dunno man"Siena stated

"C'mon floof you have to.We'll be heroes like The Outsiders"

"Bianca the outsiders is fiction"


SHE THOUGHT ABOUT IT for a second before saying, "fine I'm in."I looked at everyone else.I knew Maylo and Fat-boy would say yes but Luci and Loralie would need some convincing

"Fuck it I'll do it."Julio said it.I knew he would say yes but also not so I was surprised. "What about you Maylo?You in?Dont be a pansy."

Julio was one of those Hispanics who sags their pants and says the N-word.That's one thing I didn't like about him.

"Hell yeah!I wanna go!"

I look over at Loralie and Luciana.And to my surprise they nod.Great their on board.

"We should ask Silena if she wants to"I suggest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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