ok so guys

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artsy_h0e28 has a dilemma that, if you bother to read this, then you probably have seen a few of my insane message board posts abt it.

I need relationship advice.

so basically here is what happened:

started talking to this guy from my school at a fundraising table for band, at this point he has a gf and I knew that, we joke abt fortnite, next day he adds me on snap and starts actually talking to me, asks to play fortnite one night, we end up playing almost every night until 2 am together, I play call of duty with him and my ex crush of 2 years one night which is hella weird, he makes a comment while we are playing with another guy that you only make fun of girl's you're interested in but our entire friendship was built on jokingly insulting eachother, also he makes a joke/ comment about me being submissive and him not, he begs and convinces me to go to an esports practice with him, I don't join but it was fun, one night he mentions how he's having troubles with his gf and he was not in a good mental state and i help him through it, next day he texts me that they broke up, that same day we become eachothers #1 bsf on snap, I realize I am going feral over this man, he ends up going to another girl's volleyball game a week later and gets friendzoned by her, at this point we are still playing video games together almost every night and snapping, one night I said "fuck you" and he said "you wish", and finally- the other night he gives me his number since he's not gonna use snap as much.

and tomorrow I'm going to watch his esports game.

oh and I forgot: he sometimes asks to just hop on discord to chill and talk so

so basicallllyyyyy I am struggling to determine where to go with this information and timeline of events.

does this man want me? does he not? what is happening????!?!

ik I'm older than a lot of people that follow me, but if anyone has any sort of advice please let me know because I have no expirence with this!

I really don't want to fuck this up because I really like him and I overthink a lot, and also I become attached easily.

anyways that's my life recently lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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