The Worst Choice of my Life

Start from the beginning

Hermione walked through the door a few minutes after. She was even prettier than at the party, something Pansy could have never imagined to be possible. The soft colour of her dress complimented perfectly her curves and her rounder features. Pansy took a step towards her. She no longer knew what to do now that they had found themselves alone. What was she going to think of her? What should she say? Pansy had no romantic experience, and was afraid that Hermione would start to see through her veil of fake confidence.

"You came."

"Yes, I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Hermione walked up to her, and gently rested her hand on her face.

"It's really hard for me to assimilate the fact that you are Circe." Her fingertips caressed her cheeks, and moved on to her chin not before trailing her nose bridge in a desperate attempt to make sure she was real. After months of Talking to Pansy, she was almost afraid to touch her. "I never thought that the day where I would look at you and feel anything else other than the desire to punch you would come."

"Whereas I had weeks and weeks to stare at you and accept the idea that it was you that I loved. It was really hard to see you everyday and not talk to you." Pansy said.

Hermione got dangerously close. Pansy took this opportunity to lean down and press her lips on the girl's rosy cheek before whispering, "We won't have a happy ending, Hypatia."

Hermione grabbed her face and kissed her. For Pansy, this was equally exhilarating and painful, the knot in her stomach refusing to leave her in what could only be described as one of the happiest moments of her life. She dug her hands in Hermione's curls, her thumb gently caressing the girl's jaw. Hermione grabbed her by the waist with both her hands and wrapped her arms around her exposed back. Pansy shivered as she felt their skins touch, their kiss getting heavier by the second. It felt so right and yet it hurt. She pulled away.

"I'm sorry, This is the only time we will see each other, and I don't want it to go like this." Hermione jerked away, eyes widened.

"What do you mean by this is the last time we'll see each other?"

Pansy remained quiet for a few seconds. She had refused to think about the dawning inevitability of her situation for weeks now. What she had known since the previous summer, what she had kept hidden from all until now, even Hypatia, had to come to light.

"My father ordered that I receive the dark mark over the winter break."

"No!" Hermione stepped back until she hit the wall. "No Pansy, you can't!"

Pansy looked down at her bare forearm, hiding behind the dark strands of her hair in order to avoid seeing Hermione. The pale, blank space that would soon be covered in indelible ink almost taunted her.

You haven't even ruined your life and yet you can't stop it from happening.

"Why? Why would you do this? There's still time! You don't have to. You always have a choice, Pansy." Hermione was crying now. She sat on the floor across the room, her legs failing her.

"I could tell you that I didn't have a choice when I agreed. That it was all simply pressure from my parents, but that would be a lie." Pansy slowly made her way to Hermione before sitting down by her side. "I only started regretting this decision when I understood that it would separate us. You, Hermione, made me realise all the lies that I had been fed since the day I was born. I was too stupid to realise that by accepting my father's proposal, I would be selling my soul."

Hermione continued crying, resting her head on Pansy's shoulder. The taller girl tried to keep composure, clenching her jaw, closing her eyes in order to capture any tear that may try to escape inadvertently. "You know, you could change sides. You could seek Dumbledore's protection!" Pansy said nothing, and instead started petting Hermione's hair, the consequences of her actions whipping back at her face violently. She felt tricked. By  having such a big decision placed upon her shoulders at the mere age of 16, she had never stood a chance.

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