The Worst Choice of my Life

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This is the last Chapter. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.


Pansy watched as Draco was dragged away by professor Snape. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Filch would find her too, so she had to act fast. Removing her high heels to make as little noise as possible, she followed them. The Stone was cold under her bare feet, and the stone arcs of the castle towered over her menacingly.

Footsteps echoed behind her.

You've got to be kidding me

What was Potter doing here? She would never understand how someone as kind and intelligent as Hermione had ended up with such horrible friends. Throughout his school years, Harry had made a point to be particularly disdainful to every Slytherin that crossed his path, including kids in the younger years. Pansy distinctly recalled him jeering a couple of years ago when new 11-year-old students, having arrived at Hogwarts less than an hour before, would be sorted into Slytherin. She could forgive the stupid rivalry he had with Draco, as it was entertained by both parties. What she couldn't forgive was how much the Slytherin reputation had been tarnished because The Chosen One had decided to hate them all based on his opinion on a couple of students.

Pansy hid behind a wall, and watched as Harry walked past her before hiding behind an arc as well, a mere metres away from her. She cursed as Draco's and Snape's voices resounded across the hallways. Pansy closed her eyes in disbelief, powerless as Draco and Snape exposed themselves to Harry.

Her name had not been mentioned once. Her efforts, her time, everything would be attributed to an invisible force that would never receive any credit. All the love she had for Draco turned into a sour aftertaste in her mouth. On one hand, she was safe from Harry, on the other, the fact that no one would know about her contributions had just been confirmed. She couldn't. She needed to make the Dark Lord proud.

"Did you just try Occlumency on me?" Draco yelled, incredulously. "How dare you? How dare you enter my mind this way?"

"The Dark Lord is the most powerful Occlumens there is, Draco. Do you seriously think that he'll spare your feelings and let you go once you finish your task? Once you meet him again, he will make his way into the deepest corners of your mind, and if he so happens to find a hint of betrayal, I can guarantee you that you and your family will be dead in a second." Snape's slow voice left Draco speechless. Pansy worried that her heartbeat would be loud enough for everyone to hear. "Let me help you. If not with your task then at least with this. You do not realise the power that he holds."

"You don't understand! I have to do this alone!"


Pansy walked away slowly, trying her best not to cry as the gravity of her situation dawned on her.  She had thought of everything. Everything but this. She could fix the cabinet all by herself, become the greatest death eater there ever was, but she would never be able to hide the reason of her allegiance to the Dark Lord. It would take him seconds to realise that she was giving him her life in order to protect none other than Hermione. Potter's best friend. He would sizzle through her mind and rip out her most hidden, treasured secrets effortlessly.

It was with fury and despair that she made her way up to the seventh floor, and stomped while walking back and forth in front of the tapestry behind which the room of requirements was hidden.

A room to wait for Hypatia. A room to wait for Hypatia. A room to wait for Hypatia.

A small wooden door revealed itself. It was simple, discreet, with an intricate doorknob sculpted out of a dark metal. The room behind it was much smaller than the one she had frequented when fixing the cabinet. A sober fireplace was the only source of light, but Pansy could draw out the entirety of the room. A velvet couch garnished with blankets, a  table surrounded by dining chairs, and peeling wallpaper that climbed up to a ceiling so high that a dark void seemed to hang above her head. Pansy didn't know what to do. Slughorn's party had to have ended by now, but sitting on the couch while waiting for Hermione felt too casual. She put her heels back on and stood by the fireplace, hypnotised by the dancing flames.

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