Don't Bee Such A Buzzkill

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TWS: Phobia

Changbin's heart raced as he entered the brightly lit room, the low hum of conversation filling the air. Stray Kids had just finished a successful concert, and the members were enjoying a well-deserved break in their dressing room. However, for Changbin, the jubilant atmosphere was tainted by an irrational fear that lurked within him – apiphobia.

His bandmates, Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin, were oblivious to Changbin's hidden dread. They chatted animatedly, sharing stories from the performance and reliving the energetic moments on stage. Changbin attempted to join in the conversation, but his mind was preoccupied with the anticipation of an unexpected encounter.

The dressing room was adorned with flowers, a gesture from fans who had shown their love and support. Among the bouquets, however, were scattered delicate blossoms that attracted the very creatures Changbin dreaded – bees. His apiphobia was well-known among the members, who often teased him lightly about it, thinking it was a harmless fear.

Changbin tried to discreetly scan the room, assessing the potential threat. He clenched his fists, feeling beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The buzzing of conversation seemed to morph into a swarm of bees in his mind, intensifying his unease. He stole a glance at the floral arrangements, mentally mapping a route that would keep him as far away from the dreaded insects as possible.

Just as he thought he had navigated a safe path, a mischievous smile spread across Felix's face. Unbeknownst to Changbin, Felix had spotted a small bee perched on one of the flowers. With a sly grin, Felix reached out and plucked the flower from its vase, bringing it closer to Changbin.

Changbin's eyes widened in horror as Felix playfully waved the flower in his direction. The room fell silent for a split second as everyone turned to witness Changbin's reaction. The sudden attention only heightened his anxiety.

"Felix, don't," Changbin stammered, his voice barely audible. But it was too late. The flower, and the unsuspecting bee, were now dangerously close.

Felix continued to wave the flower playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he zeroed in on Changbin's discomfort. The others, unaware of Changbin's phobia, laughed along, assuming it was just another instance of playful banter among friends.

"Come on, Changbin, it's just a flower," Felix teased, closing the distance between them. The bee, sensing the commotion, took flight, adding an unpredictable element to the unfolding drama.

Changbin's eyes darted nervously between the flower and the buzzing intruder. The dressing room felt smaller with every step Felix took, pushing him further into a corner. The walls seemed to close in on him as his bandmates egged Felix on, unaware of the genuine distress on Changbin's face.

"Changbin, you're overreacting," Jisung chimed in, chuckling. "It's just a bit of fun. Embrace the flower power!"

Changbin tried to mask his unease with a forced smile, attempting to play along. "Yeah, flower power and all that," he muttered, his eyes still fixed on the bee that circled nearby.

But Felix was relentless, sensing an opportunity for more amusement. He edged even closer, the flower now mere inches from Changbin's face. The trapped musician could feel his pulse quickening, his breath becoming shallower.

"Say hello to your little buzzy friend, Changbin!" Felix exclaimed, the flower dancing dangerously close to Changbin's nose.

Changbin's facade crumbled. "Felix, please!" he pleaded, his fear now evident to everyone in the room. The others fell silent, their amusement giving way to confusion as they finally noticed the genuine distress in Changbin's eyes.

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