Part 2

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 A family of five leaving America to go to South Asia that is the mother, Camilla; the father, Chris; the first child, Corvin; the daughter, Lilith; and the second child, Damien. They were enjoying the journey when they saw a red-furred animal dead on the road, it was a road kill. the young Damien was curious about the animal. Dead but still looking. Its eyes are black glass and one paw has stiffened in a wave.

The car door opens and his mother calls, but he cannot tear himself away from the animal. Then she gets out. She stands beside the boy. She wrinkles her nose so her glasses ride up.

'It's been run over,' she says.

'But why does it look like that?'

'Those are intestines. A bird pulled them out. Or some other animal.'

He wants to know which bird, and which animal.

'Come on now,' she says.

'But I haven't peed yet.'

'Well, do it then.'

He rubs his cheek up to the window, just able to wonder where the towering pine and the dense oak trees end. He holds a big Sprite bottle between his knees which is bigger than his arm and occasionally sips it. The last few mouthfuls have been warm. He has never travelled in a car for this length of time, and they have been travelling for about three hours.

Since they are in the midst of the forest, he is unaware that they have arrived when they stop. Not a trace of a cabin is visible. ONLY TREES!

"Are We There? "HE ASKS

Dad sits motionless for a while, lost in his thoughts thinking whether it is good to shift here in the middle of a forest where no nearby neighbours, but the other part of his brain is filled with thrilled experiences he wants to face as a childhood dream coming true. meanwhile, the mom was searching for mosquito repellent to protect the kid from the mosquitos,( typical American healthcare) As soon as she opened the door as if the mosquitoes had been waiting for them, coming from all directions. Camilla covers the kid with a towel or a long full-body scarf so that mosquitoes don't harm them. Chris gets out of the car, clicks open the bonnet checks the engine and asks Corvin to tag along with him to do some hunting Damien is interested so Corvin says I am kinda jet lagged and would like to help mom in shifting the items in their new home. The house was made up of huge spruce logs and the roof was covered with bright red tiles supported by a huge neem trunk in the middle like the house was supported by it

It also had a basement floor, which was made up of bunker, so by this, we can guess that shit is soo exciting, right?

The window pane from the roof felt like the most awesome scenery you can take in a frame. the forest is a silent reflection of pure happiness with all the birds chirping, and no traffic or vehicular sounds.


Chris was quite fond of music as he was a famous band artist during his college days. He found some of the grass had grown up in the places between the planks and the deck was about to decay he checked by stumping on the deck with his foot. There is an ashtray filled with water resting on the wooden railing. As Chris entered the hard door that he was about to break. They have borrowed the cabin from someone whom his mother works with, and the boy wonders why the owner has not put a bulb in the tall night lamp with a huge orchid petal design. Perhaps for the same reason that there is no television. It has small rooms down with a basement house heater and a small generator. In the living hall, there was a firewood furnace covered with huge granite blocks in order to keep the room warm, and it rings a nice decoration for Christmas. the cabin had an outdoor storage barn where the gardening and tools were kept but due to excessive rains, the outdoor barn was covered with moist moss and small climbers. They had a huge old-fashioned sofa made up of springs and the velvet kinda material where the skin burns if we move rapidly. There is a small kitchen area, and he walks over to look. The fridge is so small he has to bend down to open it. It is empty inside; no light comes on and it does not even feel cold. He has to push the door firmly to make sure it stays shut same as the main door and barn door due to moist conditions, it tends to happen. at the same time, Camilla walks around opening cupboards and drawers. She opens the fridge too, and shuts it again.

And tends to curse "FUCK THE FRIDGE DOOR". She brings in flowers, a large bunch, which she pushes into a vase filled with water and places on the table. They have a powerful, spicy fragrance and Lilith screams at the top of her voice after she sees that there are small insects in the flowers. Damien notices that the white petals are covered in tiny, tiny insects, but he tells her not to mind them. Some of them fall like snow onto the table, and so that he can see them against the deep colour of the wood, he has to lower his head and look closely. The creatures are in a hurry and know exactly where they want to go. He tries to stop them and make them change direction, but he fails. (ugh disgusting, what kind of kids are interested in insects)

''Do you know how small these insects are?' he says.

"So tiny insects like they die as soon I touch them".

Meanwhile corvin is having rest in the bunker bed on the above floor with loud volume of "I am still standing -by Elton John ". With steps of him banging through the floor planks.

At evening , As the rain poured relentlessly, the forest became a study in contrasts – the vibrant green of the leaves against the muted greys of the clouds, the rapid descent of raindrops against the huge endurance of the mountains. The air was pregnant with the earthy scent of wet soil and the intoxicating aroma of the forest, intensified by the rain's touch and continues till morning. Meanwhile at night. The family has dinner ie some chicken soup and rice because of the availability of excess rice in Asia. It was quite heavy for the first timers and the weather also effected the mood of them which made them sleep early but the young kiddo , Damien who was near the window was staring at the beautiful stars and the scenery which he has never seen in his entire was dark and dusky trees filled with moonlights atmosphere straight from a fairy tale world. He was seeing the forest and admiring it. He shows Corvin the surroundings after waking him up from slumber. When Corvin initially woke up, he was a little unhappy, but as soon as he saw it, he went back to fetch a camera.

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