Chapter Thirty

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They were on the flight back home. Eva closed her eyes and laid quietly on the seat, barely moving an inch. She knew he was just beside her and that knowledge made her go weak on her knees and at the same time, annoyed her to the depths of hell.

The past week had passed in a jiffy. The Hamiltons were a great company, she had realized. Each of them celebrated life so joyously. She had blended with them pretty fast.

Alex was the black sheep of the family. He was the eldest Hamilton with a fierce quality to shield and protect. He was the very foundation of the family. Everyone loved and respected him. His wife, Faith, seemed like the kindest woman to ever exist. Her brown eyes glowed warmly and she always had sweet words to say. Their baby, Hope. God, that cute munchkin had won Eva's heart in a fraction of a second.

Richard and Jean were the host and hostess of this trip and she would remain so grateful to them. Richard was the second eldest brother and he had a ruggedly handsome face with dark eyes. He seemed like the tall and brooding type but he was exactly the opposite. He was funny, witty and extremely sensible. Jean, with her red hair and blue eyes, was the most gorgeous woman. She had an air of charm around her that made her look so beautiful and compassionate.

Ben wasn't a Hamilton yet he seemed to have a special connection with the family. The Hamiltons had made him and Sarah their own. Just like they were slowly making her a part of their lives.

Ben was the intellectual type. He was nerdy but hot. His stylish glasses accentuated his lean face and his tall frame and slender muscles made him look softer and tender. Sarah, on the other hand, was a short thing. She was petite with light wheatish skin and luscious black hair. She was Indian and the richness of her features screamed how exotic and beautiful she was.

Eva pondered about the Hamilton family only to reach one conclusion. She knew so many things about the family in just a short period of time whereas the least she knew about was Vivian. It was pathetic, to be honest. He was supposedly her boyfriend, wasn't he? She wanted to laugh out in frustration.

He wasn't her boyfriend. He never wanted to be. He had just asked her out in a fit of excitement and then realized that she wasn't part of his plan. Whatever plan he had chalked out for his life, she wasn't a part of it. It made her feel so worthless.

She couldn't believe her fate.

She looked at herself, wearing a neon green sweater. It was a bright colour. And she had solely bought it for him. Her equation with bright colours wasn't very great but he loved bright colours; and she had thought he would love her in those colours too.

What a fool she had been!

He hadn't looked at her twice. She had wanted him to see her in those bright colours and lose his mind. Why would he? She wasn't so pretty, she wasn't so gorgeous. She was just Eva. Just herself. She was proud of herself, actually. But what hurt her the most was she could never be the girl of his dreams. She just didn't have the capacity to make a man go crazy. It was what women like Vera could do better.

She tried to keep her eyes shut and prayed for time to move faster. She wanted to reach Texas as soon as possible and get away from him.


The flight landed soon and Eva found herself walking fast to avoid Vivian. She joined Faith and Sarah and stayed behind them, her head down towards the floor. She didn't wish to speak to him or look at him.

"It was such a great experience, guys! Thank you for this, Jeanie." Sarah gasped. "Thank God we decided not to head back to New York. I desperately need time with my girls!"

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