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   I slowly wake up, my eyes fluttering open

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   I slowly wake up, my eyes fluttering open. The sun from the window warmed my skin and created a peaceful aura in the... room? Where was I?

   I glance around and notice I seem to be in a hospital room of sorts. I lay on a bed with white sheets covering me. The room had boring beige walls and white tiled floor. A medical cart stood off to the side along with a little stool, I'm assuming for the doctor. The bedside table had a clock reading 8:17AM. I was late for school!

   A wave of panic washes over me and I fumble with the sheets for a second trying to get out of bed. I go to lean on my elbows but they immediately buckle under me, a searing pain crawling up them. I gasp and bring my arms up to my face. They're wrapped in bandages from my wrist all the way to my upper arm. I do a quick assessment of the rest of my body, wanting to know what injuries I sustained after yesterday. Oh god... yesterday. I have so many questions. The rest of my body feels fine. Nothing seemed to be painful, just sore but that would go away after some rest.

   I hear the door to the room open and look over to see a man in a very dark, almost black, purple uniform. 'Like the boy from yesterday' I think. His bright white hair stands up, as if defying gravity, and his eyes are covered by a black cloth. Upon seeing me awake he happily claps his hands, "You're awake! You really worried us yesterday." He smiles and comes over to the side of the bed, sitting on the little stool. My eyes follow his figure and I give him a small smile before furrowing my eyebrows, "What happened? Where am I?".

"You're safe at a school in Tokyo. You're currently in our medical unit because of your injuries from yesterday." He helps me up into a sitting position, leaning up against the pillow and blankets up to my waist.

"How about you tell me what you remember and I'll do my best to fill you in!" He puts his hand under his chin and crosses one leg over the other, looking at me in interest. I falter a little bit. I want to tell this man about the monster but every time I've told someone about them in the past they never believed me, thinking I made them up. I had to stop talking about them in fear of my Dad sending me to a mental hospital for hallucinations. The man seems to sense my apprehension, "It's ok. I'm not going to judge you. There was a monster, right?" He gives me a reassuring smile.

   I nod my head, taking in his kind demeanor. I was a little surprised that he knew of the monster but seeing as the other boy and... Panda?... could see it then he must know too.

"I was walking home from school... It was much later in the night because I had to stay after for my club. I was taking a shortcut through the park in my neighborhood when I saw it..." I trail off, a distant look in my eyes.

"Have you always been able to see them?" The white-haired man asks me, bringing me back.

"I have, ever since I was little. Normally they're only the size of my fist, or maybe a bowling ball. I've never seen one like that. Like it wanted to hurt me." I bring my arms closer towards my body, giving myself a hug. The man nods and urges me to continue. "When I saw the monster I froze. I, well I still have no idea what it was really, but I knew I couldn't fight it. I tried to run away but it was so dark I accidentally made some noise while backing up and it saw me. It seemed to be really interested in me for some reason and even when that boy and panda showed up it kept trying to hurt me. I don't know how but I..." I trail off once again thinking of the pink forcefield I was able to make. He waited patiently while I tried to find the words to describe what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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