Chapter 2.

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Yunho Pov

I was sitting in the investigation room. My head hung low. My palms were sweaty. My mind tried to erase the memories, but I couldn't. The image of Minhyun's dead body kept flashing before my eyes. It haunted me. As if I killed him.

"So" My train of thought stopped when I heard the officer. "You were his only friend in the campus, right?" I nodded my head. He was also my only friend. "Did you guys talk during the semester break?" I looked at the cop.

We last spoke before our break. Minhyun lost his phone that day after we bid goodbye to each other after our last class. His mother told me when I called him at home. He was out with his dad. To a library, I think.

"No." I told them. I heard the officer humming. "Do you know if anyone bullied him? You know, there are many cases like this in our country" I looked at the cop for a few seconds before turning my head.

My mind went to Mingi. I didn't say his name though. I never saw Mingi with Minhyun. He used to bully me only. I doubt Mingi is even aware of his name. He never talked to or about Minhyun. Also, Mingi wasn't the type to bully someone to such an extent that one could kill themself.

I just shook my head. "Haksaeng" I met the officer's eyes. "Don't tell this to anyone, I mean to Minhyun's parents" I looked at him with quirked eyebrows. "Was his parents pressuring him for something? He might've commi-"
"No" I interrupted him.

"His parents were very loving. He always told me how much his parents mean to him." The officer's mouth turned into an oval shape. "Umm okay. You can go for now" I nodded my head. I got up from the seat to leave. I opened the door to step outside. But I stopped when I heard him talking to someone on his phone.

"What?.... Is there any name?.... Umm okay come fast.... Don't leave anything!.... Yeah, the interrogation is done... Yeah....okay..."

My eyes narrowed. Name? Did they find something? Perhaps a suicide note? I shook my head. I closed the door and left. I walked outside with a heavy heart. I was his only friend, but still, I didn't know his pain. My eyes were fixed on the ground, as I took each step. I saw a pair of shoes in front of me. I immediately looked up, regretting it.

"Yunho-yah? Minhyun must've told you something? Was he in pain? Did anyone hurt him?" The voice was cracked. I could feel the pain. The words went straight to my heart, stabbing me. I looked down again, shaking my head.

I heard wailing sounds. I didn't dare to look up. "Why? Why did our son do this?" Minhyun's mother cried. I bit my lips to stop myself from breaking down too. "Eomonim" I whispered. "Yeah, Yunho? Do you remember something? Right? You know why my son did this?"

I couldn't control it now. Tears started flowing from my eyes when I heard hope in her voice. "I'm sorry. I couldn't be a good friend to your son." I said while crying. "Aniya! You were his best friend! He always talked about you. Don't think like that!" She came closer to me hugging me tightly.

I don't remember the last time I felt a mother's touch. Yeah, I don't have a mother. Nor a father. They died. Two years ago. Police said it was an accident. But I never believed. And the case is closed now.

I hugged her back. "I'm sorry eomonim" I cried in her arms. We heard footsteps behind us. We broke the hug. I looked behind and saw the cop. He bowed to the parents. "We found Minhyun's note in his room. My team is coming with it."

Our eyes lit up! A note! He must've mentioned a name. I looked at him with hope. "Ahjussi! Please put that person in prison who made him take his own life!" I didn't expect my words to come out angrily. He patted my shoulder. "Don't worry boy. Your friend will definitely get the justice!" I nodded my head.

"You should go back now." I opened my mouth to say something, but then I saw Minhyun's mother nodding. I immediately closed my mouth and smiled weakly. I bowed to everyone before leaving.

I sighed. I started walking. But I didn't know where I was going. Minhyun was the only friend, more like everything I had. Now I have no one. I didn't want to go back to the college. That place, it's gonna haunt me. I decided to go back to my home.

Seonghwa Pov

I looked at the guy going. I turned back to Minhyun's parents. "I would like you both to go back too. Our team is done with their search." I saw them nodding weakly. "Don't worry. I will find the reason behind your child's suicide." The mother smiled at me and uttered a thank you.

I went inside too when they left. I took out my phone and dialed one number. "Hongjoong where are you? Okay, come soon." I sighed. I again went to the investigation room and sat.

After a while, Hongjoong entered with a box in his hand. "I brought everything I thought could be of help." I nodded my head. "Where's the letter?" I asked as Hongjoong put the box on the table. He opened it and took out a piece of paper. "Here."

My heartbeat quickened for some reason. I cleared my throat. I took the paper from Hongjoong and started reading it.

I'm sorry everyone. I had no other choice. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry Yunho! I couldn't ask for help. I'm sorry. He threatened to kill me. I didn't know what else I could do to protect myself. I had no proof to go to the police. He would've killed me otherwise.


I quirked my eyebrows. The name had too many lines over it. Only the first part was readable. I looked at Hongjoong. "Do we know anyone whose name starts with Dong?" Hongjoong shook his head.

We should investigate Yunho again."I think there's someone else involved in this too. Someone, his family and probably Yunho too doesn't know. Or are forgetting." Hongjoong tilted his head. "I saw one photo in Minhyun's room." Hongjoong said. He again took out something from the box. "Here."

I looked at him before taking the photo. It was of two boys. One was Minhyun. And the second one was someone we didn't know. "We should ask his parents!" I took out my phone to call his father.

"Hello? Mr. Kang. I'm sorry but I want you both to come to the police station. We have to ask something. Yeah, thank you."

"What if he's someone from the college?" I heard Hongjoong. I clicked my tongue. "But Yunho was his only friend." Hongjoong nodded his head. "From the maths department. What if he had a friend from some other department too?"

Makes sense. "Let's ask his parents first." I said as I saw one of our junior officers escorting Minhyun's parents towards the investigation room. I bowed to them, and so did Hongjoong. "Sit here please." I pointed towards the chairs.

When they both sat, I looked at Hongjoong first. I placed the photo on the table. "Do you recognise this boy?" They moved their body a little forward to see the picture. "No." The mother said and the father agreed. Me and Hongjoong looked at each other.

"I-is he the one? Who made my son..." I sighed. "We are not sure. But we do suspect him. Here is the letter we found." I said as I placed the letter too. "Do you both know anyone whose name starts with Dong?" They shook their heads. "N-no."

I hummed. "You both can go now." I turned to Hongjoong when they both left. "Did you find his phone?" Hongjoong shook his head. "Shall we call Yunho then?" Hongjoong sighed. "That boy is too disturbed right now. Let's bring him tomorrow." I nodded. Although I wanted to ask him today only. The case should go on quickly. But I complied with Hongjoong.

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