The Truth 🤭

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Ahhhh brightness from the windows gleamed inside and right into my eyes. I groaned as I slowly sat up in bed.
"I really don't want to wake up..ugh!!"

I flop backwards onto the bed.
Suddenly a owl flew in,quickly dropped something and out the window it went. I stood up thinking I wouldn't get mail. I grabbed the mystery letter and on the front it said,"Open when you see it. Love sis"

"Ohhh mystery solved."
I chuckled as I slowly opened it without ripping it.
It read.

"Hey sis, meet me in the court yard when you get this. I have a plan to get you and professor Draco alone. I have overheard him mumbling to himself after class yesterday right after you smelled the potion."
Love sis.

My mouth dropped,let's get dressed and see what this plan of hers is. As soon as I was dressed I headed outside towards the court yard.As I got closer I seen Sam sitting by the big willow tree.
I crossed my arms as I stood waiting for her response.

"We'll we can either leave a note at his desk saying to meet at the tower tonight or say your sick and you don't want to see medical staff and I ask him to come check on you."
I stood and thought about it a minute.The first option sounded good, the second option sounded like too much. I can't fake being sick.

"Let's go with have him meet but let it be a mystery of who will be there."

Sam nodded her head and began to write out the note for Draco to find later that day.
I began to fell nervous about this.

Later that night I went back on a walk around listening to the sounds of the rain hitting the walls of the astronomy tower. The smell of the rain always relaxed me and kept me calm. Finally found the right spot to sit and watch my surroundings go by and not get wet.
As time went on I had forgotten about the whole plan. Spacing out into the distance, I flash of someone's shadow went by. Startled I jumped back little trying not to make noise. Then whoever it was spoke.


They said as they walked around. The sound of shoes walking around on the wet concrete.I stayed quiet still not knowing who it was.

"Hello? I got a note saying someone was here. Hello?"
Oh my ! It's Draco! He actually showed up.

I said in my calmest voice.
"Over here."
Draco walked around the corner and made eye contact immediately.
"What are you doing up here this late? It's raining you're going to catch a cold."
He said getting closer to me and sat down.
"Mr Malfoy can we talk?"
My nerves got the best of me as I stumbled over my words.

He looked at me with a worried look.
"Yes something wrong?"

I gulped and tried to think of the words to say.
I was terrified to tell him about the true feelings towards him. Will he love me back?

"Mr Malfoy, if you don't mind me calling you Draco."I asked before continuing.
He nodded .

"Draco-Draco when I smelled the love potion in the class I did smell something." I paused to catch my breath.

" I smelt green apple, I smelt you. I'm madly in love with you. Ever since day one when I first showed up to Hogwarts.You we're the only one I had eyes for. Ik know what you're thinking it won't happen cause you're a teacher and I'm student.I honestly don't care. Draco Malfoy I love you. You make me feel safer then I've ever felt in my life. I completely understand if you feel don't feel the same way. I just really needed to get my true feeling out."

I stopped talking and tried to read his facial expressions but nothing.. no reaction no nothing. I could feel my heart about to shatter. He sat there not saying a word, not even a smile or a smirk. Nothing at all. I decided to stand up to try to walk away.
Suddenly I felt a soft hand grab my arm and pull me back down into the ground. Draco pulled me back down and almost on top of him. His soft hand gently grabbed my chin and pulled me inches away from his face. My heart began to race. Was he going to kiss me?! Two seconds later he finally spoke.

"Halee, I don't know how today this so I'll just show you."He said before his soft lips collided with mine. It felt like magic. True magic. Love is magical.Few seconds later he finally pulled back. And said the most beautiful thing.
"I love you too."

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