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I get woken up mercilessly by my SUPER LOUD AND ANNOYING ALARM! I reach my hand over to my phone and shut the alarm off in nearly 10 tries because I was half asleep and kept banging my hand against the nightstand until I hit the phone.

I lay there, half awake, staring at the ceiling for a good minute contemplating life and comparing myself to a random vegetable that has nothing else to do in life besides die before getting out of bed and into the bathroom.. after nearly walking right into the bathroom door but we aren't gonna talk about that.

Got ready, got some breakfast, nothing special.. just a normal Tuesday morning before jai— school.

As I was waiting for my bus at the designated spot with some other random bus kids that I don't give a shit about, a friend walked up to me.. it's 6 in the morning fuck off Jake!!- which is what I would've said.. but I still want friends so I just said it in my head and faked a smile.

Jake had this stupid grin on his face as he yelled the words "HEY CHRISS!!" To me. I just waved, but he just kept yelling.


"Quit yelling, it's 6 in the morning."


"Your mom probably met a guy named Jake in Royal high on Roblox as a kid and probably named you after him."

"...What." Jake mumbled before he quieted down, with a half shocked half confused expression— yet I can clearly see that he doesn't possess a single braincell under those thoughtless eyes. "..what's Royal high?"

I just stared and sighed. "Nevermind dude, just shut up."

We both fell silent, which was nice for me since I am not planning to let Jake give me a headache so early in the morning, let alone before I even arrive to school.

After like 5 minutes of waiting for the bus, the bus finally came.. late like always. I got on the bus and sat in the front middle-ish since it was the quietest and the jackass bus driver wouldn't yell at me because he wouldn't be able to see me sip my water- dumb rule anyway, why can't I sip water on the bus??

Jake sat down next to me, fuck... at least he didn't speak to me- for 5 whole minutes, it's a record for Jake if you ask me.

"..how's the project going?"

"You already asked me that."

"You never answered, dude."

I sighed.. "Touché. It's going pretty bad."

"Bad? I already finished mine."

"How— how?" My eyebrows raise, how the fuck did this puny brained fuck manage to finish a project a day after it was assigned?? Not to mention the fact that there were slides you had to finish, an essay you had to do, and also a bunch of research on the topic you were assigned!

"It wasn't that hard actually."

"..what was your topic?"

"Photosynthesis's benefits on the environment."

So that's how he managed to finish it so fast.. didn't we learn this in 6th grade??

"You're joking."

"Nah, what topic were you assigned?"

"..How did the teacher give you such an easy topic?"

"..that's a weird topic dude—"

"It's not a topic! It's a question!" I interrupted.

"Oh- I dunno man, she just walked up and assigned it to me."

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