Chapter 5: Remnants

Start from the beginning

A moment of silence passes.

"...Do you still want to hear it?"

"Of course, if you're okay with telling me. If listening helps, I want to help you."

He sighs and stares at his folded hands.

"It... wasn't really a home at all." He starts. "It was a training ground."

"A training ground? Why?"

"My people were at war with each other. I don't know over what, I was never told. Probably something stupid like land or somebody insulted somebody, knowing my world's past wars. I was being trained to be one of their... warriors."

"Yikes... well, that explains how you already know how to fight. Didn't you have a home before that? You know, where you grew up? A family?"


He couldn't bear to tell him the truth. He was too innocent, even younger than he was.

"Yeah, I did. I was forced to join their army because there were too many casualties."

"But you're only a year older than me! You're still just a kid!"

"Not in their eyes."

His colorful friend looked at him with worried concern as he stared to the horizon.

"To them, I was just a more easily trainable soldier."


He snapped back into the present, noticing that he was now sat on the ground, the three crouched in front of him.

"Sabre? Are you back with us?" M asks, a hand on his shoulder.

"M...?" Sabre muttered.

M, the Professor, and the Red Leader all took a relieved breath. M starts helping Sabre to stand up.

"You had us all worried for a bit. Are you alright?" The Red Leader asks. "Does it still hurt?"

"No, I-I'm okay..." Sabre responds. "What happened?"

"Your shadow tried to forcefully fuse with your soul at the last moment, but I had a failsafe that basically knocked it off your soul entirely." The Professor explains. "It's successfully been removed from you. You were in shock for a few minutes."

"He... he's gone?" Sabre asks.

The Professor smiles, and walks over to a different side of the machine, more towards the back of it.

"Indeed! The shadow you had is no longer part of you." He says, reaching into a compartment. "It is now..."

The Professor pulls out a capsule made of reinforced glass with a metal to; and bottom to it. A black goop is inside, and it has small red eyes. It screeches furiously, muffled by the glass.

"Merely a tiny angry slime in a tube." Professor Red smiles, trying not to laugh at Shadow.

Sabre, on the other hand, immediately starts laughing uncontrollably. M giggles at Shadow's attempts to break the glass by slamming his non-solid face into it. The Red Leader keeps his composure, but can't help but smile a little. The Professor walks over as Sabre calms down.

"Hey, they always hate when you flick the glass. Wanna try?" Professor Red grins, holding up the capsule.

He lets Sabre and M mess with Shadow for a bit, before taking a smaller remote out of his pocket and pressing a button.

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