enzo nodded too, grimacing as he watched them laugh more.

"come on, rory. it's kind of funny." theo said.

"not when the dementors are after my father, theodore. i understand it's because potter fainted, but it's really not funny." aurora said.

"oh, right, sorry." theo said, realizing what she meant and muttering a few more apologies.

"you know you suck at apologizing." enzo said, as he led theo more towards the back.

"yeah." theo said, silently punishing himself for being so stupid.

hagrid cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, making a big show to introduce the hippogriff, buckbeak, to everyone.

aurora looked at the beautiful beast, part of her wanting to get over her distaste for hagrid and approach the gorgeous animal.

while draco just looked at the hippogriff in disgust.

theo and pansy stifled laughs, finding it absolutely hilarious that the gamekeeper loved the thing so much.

"isn't he beautiful?" hagrid asked the class, clearly proud of the lesson he had set up.

aurora just nodded, already loving the creature.

"say hello to buckbeak."

"hagrid, exactly what is that?" ron asked, looking a mix of terrified and disgusted.

"a hippogriff weasley, don't you know anything?" aurora said, laughing at the redhead.

"right you are, ms. black." hagrid said, choosing to ignore the second part of her sentence. "first thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. very easily offended."

"reminds me of someone i know." daphne whispered to aurora, making her laugh as they watched draco, who had a sour look on his face.

"you do not want to insult a hippogriff." hagrid continued. "it may just be the last thing you ever do. now, who'd like to come up and say hello?"

everyone quickly took a step back except for harry and aurora, but lucky for her, daphne quickly pulled her back.

"well done, harry. well done" hagrid said, turning back around to face the class. shock quickly hit potter as he looked around and noticed that everyone else had stepped backwards.

"come on, now." hagrid said, urging potter to approach the creature. "now, you have to let him make the first move. it's only polite. so, you step up. give him a nice bow. then you wait and see if he bows back." he instructed.

aurora focused on potter and the hippogriff, ignoring draco and blaise as they whispered cruel remarks about the animal to each other.

"shut up, now." daphne whispered, reaching behind aurora to scold the two boys.

blaise just nodded, a small part of him always fearing the blonde girl.

"come on, daph. it's such a dreadful creature." pansy said, clearly not interested in the class.

"i think it's cool so everyone just stop talking and pay attention." aurora snapped, turning her attention back to buckbeak.

aurora gasped and grabbed hold of theo's arm as the hippogriff started flapping its wings and making noises at potter.

"back off, harry. back off." hagrid said, rushing closer to the boy.

harry stood still as he took a step back while in a bow. holding his breath in anticipation of what would happen next. but he felt relief as the hippogriff finally bowed back and he could approach him.

aurora felt herself wishing she was in his place, the animal just looked so mesmerizing to her. she wanted to walk up and show she could do it too. but instead she just let go of theo's arm and stood still.

it wasn't long before hagrid had thrown harry on top of the beast and sent them off, annoying aurora.

"he's such a teachers pet." aurora said, rolling her eyes as she watched him fly off.

"someone jealous they don't get to ride the big beast?" blaise teased, faking a pout.

"shove off." aurora said, pushing him away from her.

"why don't you just ask to go next?" enzo suggested.

"no, it's fine. honestly, the less attention the better." aurora said, smiling at the boy.

"it'll pass soon enough, rory." theo assured, rubbing her back as she frowned.

"yeah, yeah. i know." aurora said, looking up at him with a smile.

"oh, please." draco said, as harry landed earning applause from most of the crowd. the blonde quickly pushed through the crowd, approaching the hippogriff.

"draco, you really shouldn't do that." enzo said, attempting to grab ahold of his friend.

"you're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?" draco sneered, walking quickly.

"draco. stop it." aurora called out, in disbelief at how stupid her cousin could truly be.

"malfoy." hagrid said, turning away from harry as the hippogriff raised itself up.

draco screamed and covered himself with his arm, as the hippogriff scratched him, knocking him to the ground.

"you idiot!" aurora yelled, running up with theo and enzo right behind her.

draco whined on the floor of the forest, clutching his arm.

"it's killed me! it's killed me!" draco cried out, rocking himself back and forth.

enzo and theo quickly tried to pull draco up, only to be met with more whines.

"calm down, calm down. it's just a scratch." hagrid said, standing over the slytherin on the ground.

"hagrid, he has to be taken to the hospital." hermione said, rushing forward.

"hurry!" aurora yelled, irritated at how slow the new teacher was with an emergency like this. she knew draco was dramatic, but she could also tell he really was in pain.

"right, right. i'm the professor, i've got him." hagrid said, picking draco up.

"you're gonna regret this. you and your bloody chicken." draco said, as hagrid carried him.

"for once in your life, be quiet." aurora said, following behind the professor with the other five.

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