How it went

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Dear diary,

Well, as I told you yesterday, Justin came over for a 'last goodbye'. So here is how it went:

Ding-dong! I open the door and see a hardly recognizable Justin with a unrecognizable girl. "Hi guys, come on in!" I greet.

"Hey Sadee. Sadee, this is Lindsey, my girlfriend, Lindsey, this is Sadee, my xgirlfriend." Justin introduced.

I look over the girl. She has light blonde hair, with bright pink highlights. Definitely has way too much makeup on. Lindsey wears pink converse, pink skinny-jeans, and a (surprise!) pink floral top. Way too pink. I'm more of a blue person myself.

"Hi Sadee." She says in her cute, innocent, way too charming voice, "So this is your x?" She giggles.

I growl in response."Calm down brownie." He directs to me. She giggles again as she gets way to close to him. Coughcoughcoughgrosscoughcoughcough.

"Why don't we sit down?" I suggest.

"Ok." Justin agrees.

We walk to the living space. "So, how's life?" I ask.

Awesome since I met this Amazing girl." He says making Lindsey giggle again. "How about you?"

"Ya know, ok."

Lindsey looks at her designer watch."Pumpkin, we better be going, otherwise we'll miss the bus."

Obviously she just wanted to leave so they could get to their date. They get up and run out the door without a goodbye. I run after them and yell, "I never want to see you again! How dare you break my heart Justin Nicholas Smith!"

I stomp off with anger into the house. That did not go well. Adios, Sadee out


I close my diary. "And I promise, I said I promise, and I mean it, that I meant what I said. I will find someone better than you, Justin Smith. And when she finds how dirty and mean and dumb you are inside, and she dumps you, don't come crying to me. 'Cause, I'm done with you Justin Nicholas Smith!" I promise myself.

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