The Victim and The Part 1

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*In the past*

*Victim's POV*


Alan: Fuck this.

*Press the delete button*

Victim: Fu-


Victim: What? Where am I? Am I dead?

*A few hours passes by*

Victim: OMG how do I exit this shit! Huh.. what Is this butt-


Victim: Ok now the Place Is bright... A speaker?

(Welcome to the gulag ☺️)

Speaker: Entry, #42x5⁹ Is now in the room.

Victim: I think I'm the first in this place just like the speaker said..


Speaker: No.

Victim: I already love you..

Speaker: I have to talk to you every day so you don't lose your mind

Victim: How long will I stay here?

Speaker: Forever.

Victim: WHAT? Ok.. Well if I need to stay here Forever can I sleep in a soft bad?

Speaker: Ok.

*A bed appears*

Victim: YESSS

*Jumps on the bed*

Speaker: You are strange..

Victim: Why?

Speaker: Usually everyone takes their own life, I cry for hours, you seem happy

Victim: I haven't had a great life, however how many people have you talked to who are in these rooms?

Speaker: Many.

Victim: May i know your name?

Speaker: Magenta...

Victim: Can I know when it's night and daytime Magenta?

Magenta: No, there Is no time here

Victim: No time? Where am I?

Magenta: In a room and on a bed

Victim: I know that.

Magenta: In the Outernet

Victim: What is the Outernet?

Magenta: When you get deleted you get here, you are in the section of Virus

Victim: I'm not a fucking virus, I'm beautifil.

Magenta: Ha ha, you don't look like a virus anyway

Victim: Thanks haha

*Time passes and the two talk much more often and begin to have fun together talking*

Magenta: Ha ha- Now that I think about it, you didn't tell me about what you did before coming here

Victim: In some stupid man's computer, he gave me this stupid name, Victim, what an embarrassing name

Magenta: Well I think you've transformed this name from a bad meaning into something better

Victim: Yeah, and maybe I got a little angry and I tried to destroy my creator's computer-

Magenta: Why did you do that?

Victim: He started first, not my fault.

Magenta: Yeah sure, it doesn't bother you to stay in that small room for so long

Victim: Of course, but at least I have good company, are you already tired of my wonderful voice ?

Magenta: Of course not, but no one has ever lasted that long

Victim: Let's say I can tolerate stress quite a bit

Magenta: Can you handle the stress huh? What if I'm going to tell you that I'm going away and quit my job?


Magenta: Ha ha, that was a joke, I don't think you handle stress well

Victim: Not funny!

Magenta: Of course, just like you say.. However, if you continue to stay here you will probably get out when they understand that you are not a virus


Magenta: 12 months....

Victim: Bru-

*9 months pass and the two begin to get closer and closer, and Magenta has even received permission to see him once a week in person*

*The door opens*

Magenta: Heyy!

Victim: Hey Mag!

Magenta: Hey! My full name Is Magenta *pouts*

*The door opens again*

Magenta: Who are you?

Victim: There is now way...

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