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Changbin clutched the Americano in his hand like it was his last tether to Earth. Tired wasn't a strong enough word to explain what he was feeling, and given the large mouthfuls of coffee he was taking, and the fact it was almost gone, he wasn't sure how long he could remain upright.
Exhausted. Changbin was exhausted. The feeling crept into his bones and he felt like free weights were hanging from his eyelids. It was still early, 8:36 am according to his watch, and his first meeting wasn't even until 9:30. He should be at home, curled up in bed with the love of his life, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as he kissed every square inch of her face and neck, hands wandering lazily in the early morning sunshine. Changbin closed his eyes and willed the image away before he ended up with a problem he couldn't get rid of. He can't afford to pop a boner while standing in the lobby of his work building.
For a split second, Changbin wondered if he could pass most of the production off to Chan and Jisung this morning and take a nap on the studio couch.
The elevator dinged open and Changbin waited patiently for the other people waiting with him to step inside before he entered the elevator. He didn't miss how the lady in the business suit standing next to him eyed his arms in the tight material of his black t-shirt.
He checked the elevator panel and pressed the 8th-floor button when he realized no one else was going there.
Changbin adjusted the mask on his face and tugged his bucket hat further down on his forehead. Even if they didn't know his name, most of the employees in the building knew who he was- SpearB, one-third of the top-selling producers in the company, despite his age. Right now he was not in the mood for unnecessary conversation.
"Bro did you hear the news?" someone stage whispered. Changbin closed his eyes and inhaled sharply through his nose. Does elevator etiquette not exist for these kids?
"What?" someone responded.
Seriously? Could this conversation not wait until you were outside of the elevator packed with people? He thought miserably.
The doors slid open on the 3rd floor and Changbin moved to the side to allow people to come in and out of the elevator. Great, now the conversationalists were right next to him.
"I overheard our manager say Ivy is going to be styling our new music video."
"Are you serious?"
"I'm so serious!"
"Dude the other guys say she always gives them the best outfits!"
"She does! And they're always super comfortable too."
A harsh shush came from the other side of the elevator and the two young men immediately apologised.
Changbin watched the two guys exit the elevator onto the 5th floor, smacking each other playfully and talking in hushed animated voices about what theme they thought Ivy and the managers would go for.
Changbin bit his lip to hide his smile, but he failed miserably as he felt his face heat with pride. Changbin wasn't the only one with a formidable reputation, Ivy's was even more prolific than he was. She was the head of wardrobe and the most sought-after stylist in the company, period. All the idols and the trainees loved her, and Changbin knew for a fact many managers had exchanged heated words while fighting for a place on her schedule. If someone were to come to blows at some point because of it, he wouldn't be shocked at all.
The doors finally opened on the 8th floor and Changbin made his way down the corridor to the 3Racha studio. It was unusually busy considering the time- most of the other producers preferred to start work at 11 and finish later in the night, but Changbin and the others found the early production hours made things run a lot smoother. Once he reached the door, Changbin scanned his employee card and turned the knob once he heard the magnetic lock disengage.
Changbin flipped on the lights and plopped his laptop bag onto the nearest chair. He ripped off his mask and threw it onto the table, falling heavily onto the couch at the back of the studio, and took a long sip of his half-gone coffee.
Changbin let his head fall backward onto the couch's backrest, resisting the urge to close his eyes and drift off.
Changbin would be lying if he said Ivy wasn't at least a part of the reason he was so tired. However, despite the fact she was clearly agitated all night and still hadn't told him why, that wasn't what kept him awake. His girlfriend had laid quietly in his arms until she drifted off to sleep with her face burrowed into his neck and her hand placed firmly against his chest. It wasn't uncomfortable, quite the opposite actually, Changbin has never been more at peace since he and Ivy moved in together a couple of weeks ago. She almost always fell asleep before he did, and he would spend the last moments before sleep overtook him burning the image of her into his memory. Her caramel-colored skin, her thick dark lashes, her plump cheeks, and her full lips. Changbin is sure Ivy is one of the most beautiful women he's ever laid eyes on.
This, however, is also not entirely the reason why Changbin was awake until 4 am. It was a combination of all these things and one more.
"She's not a doll, Bin... and if you keep treating her like one it may end up getting you both hurt."
Changbin took another long sip of his coffee, by now it was barely teetering on the edge of lukewarm and inedible. Chan was an idiot, but now and again he said something smart.
And this time, his rare pearls of wisdom had left a stone in Changbin's stomach.

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