Lou Bighe defiently doesn't like airplane

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One of the sisters piped up at the sight of their mom and cinderella.  

"Mother why are you happily chatting to this rat?" cucumber looked at his so called "daughters," "I'm just telling smelly here that she needs to start breakfast" 

Shang Qinghua scurried of the kitchen to maintain the role that was given to him. He cooked them eggs cause that was the only thing he could make besides noodles. while they were eating the only thing the sisters could talk about was the ball and how they really wanted to and like the mega simps that are bribed their whole ass arm for it. Shen Qingqui shut that shit down so fast and then said okay to their request because they were annoying af. 

the two young women squealed loudly, running upstairs to keep ready. completely forgetting their breakfast. 

"well look at that, more for me!" Shang Qinghua exclaimed, reaching over and stuffing his face with the left over food. A loud thump could be heard for Shen Qingqius lap, a fluffy black cat curled up, resting its head on the armrest.  The person stuffing his face looked up to this. he immediately recognized the cat.


" OH MY GOD. is that my son he looks so cute <3" this Twink tried to pet Lou Bighe but got a scratch instead and cucumber started giggling like a school girl. 

crocodile tears began to pour from Airplanes eyes.

" my son doesn't like me!" 

"he never does."

"true. but its still hurts." Shang Qinghua got even more dramatic. 'fuck that' Shen Qingqiu picked up Lou Bighe and walked out. 

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