Through the monsoon

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-The story behind through the monsoon-

Through the monsoon more like through the hole when it comes to Georg and his monster race third leg!
That boy is pumping you with load of dick as he bleeds, sweats, cums and cries as he fucks you so very well

It has been 3 minutes and he came in a total of 8 times yet he is still going, you will be pregnant right after and you probably already are but you don't know that yet

All of a sudden bill kicks the door down and blushes like a little kawaii lady when he sees what is going on!

"B-b-b-b-b-b-bill!" Georg stutters while bill looks pissed!

"GEROG LISTEN! What the fuck have I told you about keeping the noise down!!!! I'm trying to edge in peace but I can't with the noise of that thing you're doing! She sounds like a floppy dying fish!" Bill says angrily

"B-b-b-bill I can explain..."

"NO EXPLAINING!!! Put a gag on her or atleast make her quiet!! I was gonna edge so fucking hard but now her moans made it soft again!!!!" Bill gets his fists out ready to punch someone

"BILL COWLICK! Why are you being so rude to my girl? Just fuck off you stinky faggot and let me fuck my girl in peace" Georg says now furious

"G-Georg w-why a-are y-you y-yelling....pookie??" Bill asks with a sad kawaii face now

Georg feels guilty now he made his friend sad and he fucks you while crying of guilt.
You moan.

Bill gets angry again and rips your vocal cords out and eats them.

"there we go now we can't listen to those shit moans!" Bill moonwalks like Michael Jackson to his room to now try edging again...

You never get your vocal cords back but atleast you fucked bill right after....

Happily ever after!!!

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