Theo's heart quickened, a mixture of horror and disbelief coursing through him. He remained hidden in the shadows, unsure of what to do. He begged himself to move. Theo had been the target of many of the older man's whims. It had become a regular part of Theo's life to be caught in the crossfire between Lucius and his son. Instead of moving forward towards Pansy, he stayed rooted in place, as though a protective barrier within him prevented him from doing so. His breath caught in his throat as he watched Lucius forcefully push Pansy into the lake. The splash echoed in the night's stillness, a stark contrast to the chaos that unfolded elsewhere. Time seemed to freeze as Theo grappled with the shocking sight before him.

Pansy disappeared beneath the waters, and Theo felt a surge of helplessness. The overwhelming urge to intervene tugged at him, yet he remained trapped in the clutches of the darkness. He couldn't tear his eyes away. The battle, the magic, the fear, everything else faded into insignificance.

Pansy, who was clinging to the edge of the dock, emerged from the water looking dishevelled and frantic. Her fingers gripped the wood in a desperate attempt to pull herself up. Theo took a step forward. He couldn't let this continue any longer. Pansy didn't know how to swim; it wasn't the pureblood way. The boys had learned at a young age that it was best to stay out of their parents' path and remain unseen. To fill their time, they would often resort to activities such as playing at the lake on their manor properties or climbing trees. Except for Pansy, who had to make time for etiquette classes whenever she didn't have other lessons. Given her upbringing and societal expectations, it was unseemly for a girl like her to partake in activities solely for pleasure, rather than fulfilling her duties.

Lucius loomed over her, his features etched in cold fury, yet it seemed as if he offered a helping hand-a deceptive gesture that betrayed the malice concealed beneath the facade. She reached for what appeared to be salvation, an escape from the inky depths. But the momentary illusion shattered as Lucius's hand wrapped around her throat. Instead of providing aid, he used the leverage to submerge her head once again. She thrashed below the surface, her arms flailing desperately, trying to break free from the suffocating grip of the water.

Panic engulfed Theo. He begged his body to move forward. Pleaded. His heart raced, pounding in his chest, as she battled the turbulent waves that threatened to consume her. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each second a painful reminder of her dwindling strength. The strength she so freely gave to them all.

To him.

To Draco.

To Blaise.

She served as the binding agent that kept them united, their unwavering source of support that emanated from deep within her, radiating through every aspect of her being and leaving behind a palpable aura of energy.

When Draco felt burdened by the weight of his Dark Mark, he found solace in her unwavering presence. The nights he tossed and turned, tormented by the ghosts of what he had to do, she would sit by his side, her touch soothing his troubled mind. Delicately, she would trace calming patterns on his back with her fingertips, attempting to pacify the storm raging within him. And as the night wore on, Theo could almost witness her strength permeating into Draco's essence, repairing his shattered fragments, urging him to keep fighting. She saw through Blaise's carefully constructed mask that he hid behind, peering into the depths of his soul. With her, he could shed the armour he wore so proudly and allow himself to be vulnerable. Theo had lost count of how often he would get lost in his own thoughts and retreat into the caverns of his mind, drowning in the depths of his own darkness. But Pansy refused to let him succumb to the shadows. With a tender touch, she would grasp his hand, pulling him back into the realm of the living. Her voice, soft and gentle, would coax him out of his self-imposed isolation, reminding him he was not alone. And in those moments, he could feel her strength intertwining with his own.

Theo willed his legs to move, desperate for any action other than standing still, but it was only when the water's surface stilled that he found the courage to take a step forward. With a loud crack, a branch gave way beneath him, causing Lucius to jerk his head toward the noise. The motionless figure slipped from Lucius's grasp, his hand instinctively reaching for his wand in its holster. With frantic eyes, he scanned the surroundings, desperately trying to identify what had caused the sound. Unable to bear the sight of her lifeless body floating silently nearby, Theo choked back a sob before he turned and ran.

Theo's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted towards the towering castle, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the desolate landscape. The air was thick with the acrid stench of smoke assaulting his nostrils. His legs burned with exhaustion, but he pushed on, driven by desperation and regret.

With each step, the scene before him became more horrifying. He stumbled over bodies, their cold, lifeless skin grazing against his trembling hands as he tried to regain his balance. The sight of his fallen classmates, once full of life and vigour, now lay motionless, their eyes vacant and accusing.

Draco's voice echoed in Theo's mind, a haunting reminder of the simple task he had failed to fulfil. The weight of his failure pressed down on him, suffocating him. They had been each other's only hope. Bonds forged in a world torn apart. But in an instant, she had vanished, leaving him alone in the darkness, with no one to blame but himself.

The sheer velocity at which his thoughts were whirling prevented him from noticing the person directly in his path until they collided. Theo's heart dropped as they grabbed his arm, and he stared into Adrian Pucey's wide, panicked eyes. "Have you seen Parkinson?"

Theo found it impossible to breathe. His chest heaved, the words stuck in his throat.

"Nott, do you know where she is, please, I-"

"She's in the common room," Theo interrupted, the lie leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. "Draco told me to get her out. I couldn't. He hesitated, struggling to find his words. "I... I hid her in the common room," he eventually stammered out.

Theo was incapable of tearing his eyes away from Adrian as he skillfully parried spells instead of launching his own attacks, dashing into the castle.

The room fell silent as Theo's voice trailed off, his hands trembling in front of him. With fear pulsing through him, he averted his gaze from Draco, unable to meet his piercing stare. His eyes lifted slowly, and he caught a fleeting glimpse of Hermione standing silently behind him.

Draco's face remained stoic, the pale moonlight casting a glow upon his features. Yet, the glistening tears on his cheeks betrayed his inner struggle, shimmering like delicate crystal droplets. Gradually, Draco rose from the edge of the bed, his movements ghostly in the room's stillness. The air felt heavy, suffocating. Theo longed to reach out, to grab Draco and force him to say something, anything, to scream if he had to. But the silence enveloped them, deafening in its intensity, amplifying the tension that hung in the room. Theo could nearly taste the bitter anguish that rolled off of him.

Theo knew deep down that this was inevitable, that he would lose Draco if he revealed the truth. The memory of almost losing Draco with Ginevra still haunted him, tormenting his nightmares. He had shared his fears with Draco, seeking reassurance that he wouldn't leave. However, Theo couldn't let go of the thought that if their roles were reversed and Draco had witnessed Pansy's death, forgiveness might elude him. Caught in the grip of his emotions, Theo wordlessly observed as Draco pulled Hermione close, embracing her as she wept. Tenderly, Draco pressed his lips against her forehead, leaving a lingering kiss before he spun around and made his way towards the exit. Ignoring Blaise standing in the doorway, he walked away, the echo of his footsteps slowly fading as he exited.

As the heavy wooden door shut with a resounding thud, imprisoning Theo in the darkened room. "You said you wouldn't leave me," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the suffocating silence. The faint sound of his own breath echoed off the cold stone walls. A chill ran down his spine as he felt a gentle touch, like a cool breeze, caress his wet cheeks. With trembling hands, he reached up to wipe away the tears, only to find his eyes dry and devoid of any moisture. In that moment, a strange comfort enveloped him, as if he was no longer alone in his desolation.

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