Can't sleep

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Note: This takes place during the boat ride


Branch's POV:

I found myself thinking about him. Again. His handsome face plaguing my brain like a tumor that can't be removed. His voice stuck like an earworm. I wondered what his touch felt like. Soft, yet strong and warm hands grabbing me and caressing my sides.

But I like Poppy.


I began to shiver. I didn't have anything to cover me. I curled into a ball, trying to restore my heat. I couldn't. Soft whimpers left my mouth. I was going to freeze.

"Branch?" I hear. The voice was deep and smooth.

"Hickory?" I turn. There stood the handsome country troll before me.

"You must be freezing." He says sympathetically. I nod. His frown dissappears once he quietly walks to a basket so as not to wake Poppy. He successfully finds me a blanket and covers me. I smile.


He winks and walks back.

"Wait..." I mumbled, tapping his hoof. He looks down at me.

"I'm still cold..."

He raises an eyebrow. I felt my face get hot, I was blushing a bit. He got the memo eventually and quickly crawled under the blanket with me, letting me cuddling up next to him. Since the country Trolls have more fur than us, they are naturally warm. I love how soft he was. I felt his hands move to my shoulder blades and then down to my sides.

I finally encountered feeling I've wondered so anxiously about today.

His hands are strong. They are warm, too. They aren't soft, through. They are rough and are calloused from playing guitar. They might not feel good to most, but they were soothing to me. They made me feel butterflies in my stomach and spiders in my spine.

I could hear him snore a bit. I thought it was cute. I looked at Poppy and then back at Hickory.

Maybe this is a good thing.

This is good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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