Xichen couldn't understand what to do. Cheng was about to fall but Xichen hurriedly caught him.

Xichen was trying hard to control himself as Cheng was touching xichen here and there above his robes , also Cheng's scent was driving him (xichen) crazy.

"What's happening here?" , someone's voice came from behind.

Xichen got startled by hearing such stern voice .  Madam yu came near Cheng and xichen and pulled Cheng towards herself. She was glaring at Xichen.

Cheng was trying to get free from  his mother and go towards Xichen.

Madam yu said pulling Cheng backwards , "Jiang Cheng ! Stay with me....you are in heat. You shouldn't go near an alpha in such condition and wait a minute....these are not your heat cycle days then how come you are in heat now?"

Madam Jiang glared at Xichen. She was very angry at this time. She didn't liked the way she saw xichen and Cheng close to each other. She was having the thought that "Xichen must have done something" but she didn't said anything to xichen .

Cheng was not listening to madam yu he was still trying to go near Xichen.

Xichen said , "Madam Jiang ! Please don't misunderstand anything..... When I met young master Jiang , he was already in heat....I didn't do anything".

Madam glared at Xichen but said nothing .

Just then Wei ying and wangji also arrived there. Wei ying got confused to see madam yu , Xichen and Cheng standing together.

Wei ying hurriedly came near them and asked, "Xichen ge ! Everything alright?"

Xichen opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by madam yu.

Madam yu said , "Hey wei wuxian! Help me take Jiang Cheng away from here . He's In heat".

Wei ying got shocked to hear this. He went near madam yu and supported Cheng .

Cheng said trying to get free from wei ying's grip , "I want to...go with Xichen....leave me....you all".

Wei ying couldn't understand anything .

Madam yu said sternly , "Shut up Jiang Cheng . Lets go".

Saying this madam yu started dragging Cheng away from there. Wei ying was helping her. Wei ying and madam yu took Cheng away from there .

Wangji asked , "brother ! You ok?"

Xichen said sighing , "yes I'm ok. I don't know young master Jiang suddenly went into heat".

Wangji said , "everything will be alright".

Xichen nodded.


Cheng was lying on the bed. His eyes were closed. Madam yu had given him heat suppressants so he was feeling well now.

Wei ying was sad as his grandma has already left. Wei ying didn't even got to meet his mom. Boushan saren didn't told him anything about Changse Saren.

Madam yu asked turning to wei ying , "Wei wuxian ! Tell me.....what is this crown prince UpTo? Why was a-cheng clinging to him? Have a-Cheng told you anything?"

Wei ying said , "Aunt yu ! I don't know anything about this matter".

Madam yu glared at wei ying and then sighed.

Wei ying said , "Aunt ! I'll stay with Jiang Cheng...you can go....if you....want".

Madam yu's gaze softened for a while .

Forced Marriage With Blind Prince (wangxian, Omega Verse) :Where stories live. Discover now