Part 13:

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Im sad. You guys just read and don't vote on the chapter.  I guess you are loosing interest. Anyway this story isn't too long. It will end soon 😔😔😔

Xichen loudly said, "Attack!!".

The fight started. The soldiers and cultivators were doing their best in killing the dead army.

The flute kept playing in the background. The person wasn't seen but the flute could be heard all over the battlefield.

Wangji was also trying to fight the dead army. Mostly he was trying to defend himself.

Now the wen army entered the battlefield. Xichen was shocked to see them.

The wen army started attacking the soldiers and the cultivators. The dead army weren't attacking the wens.

The soldiers were getting weak and tired but still they were fighting.

After an hour of fighting, many of the lan soldiers died. Xichen and Qiren were injured. The dead soldiers turned into corpses.

Xichen and Qiren were feeling that today they are gonna loose and will die.

After sometime, the flute stopped and also the dead army and Wen soldiers stopped. The dead army stood frozen on their places.

A high voice of a dragon was heard. And then a red and black dragon appeared in the sky. It was blowing out fire. The voice of the dragon was piercing through everyone's ears.

Qiren said, "Not again. Not again. Who's this now? The history is repeating".

Xichen looked at Qiren with worried and frightened expressions. Xichen looked back to see wangji. He shouted when he saw Wangji falling on the ground....injured. Xichen ran towards wangji and held him.

Xichen said shaking wangji, "Wangji! Wangji open your eyes. We need you. Wangji".

But wangji had already fainted.

Everyone's attention went on the dragon when they heard the dragon talking.

Wen Rouhan was smirking.

The dragon said sitting on a huge wall (that was surrounding the half of the battlefield) , "listen up you all fucking lans and others. Today.... No one will leave this battlefield alive. You all have to die. Today is your last day. You can't be saved this time because....your second prince lan wangji who did sacrifice for you and lost his dragon and vision to save you useless now. Also.... I have Wei Wuxian. Who's the master of dark cultivation and he's my right hand man.... Soon.... I'll take the core crystal. I'll fulfill my sister's wish and will avenge her. You all are dommed Hahahaha".

Qiren and clenched his fists asking loudly, "who the hell are you? You can't control everyone".

Xiao Rong, the dragon, glared at Qiren and then said blowing fire from her mouth angrily, "Im Xiao Rong. Xiao Gong's sister, who got killed by lan fucking wangji and he saved you all but not this time. I'll control everything.... Everyone... Hahahaha".

Jiang Cheng shouted, "Let Wei Wuxian free you evil dragon".

Xiao Rong glared at Jiang Cheng. Fengmian kept his hand on Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

Lan Xichen asked, "Where is Wei Wuxian?"

Xiao Rong, the dragon smirked saying, "oh. Lan Xichen, my lover, you'll get to See Wei Wuxian now".

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