En başından başla

So I parked my bicycle near the park gate and went inside, There were a lot of couples,kids,lovers, old peoples,dogs,birds inside,all were busy in their own world.

I enjoyed a few minutes enjoying the park's beauty, then I sat under a tree which had a lot of shadow " it's really very peaceful here, from today I will spend few minutes here" I said to myself.

And from that day I never miss to spend atleast fifteen minutes inside it under the same tree.......

So as usual today also I was in a hurry to reach my private place( park) and without thinking more with lots of excitement I was paddling my bicycle to reach there, I was few meters away from there suddenly my cycle got stuck inside something.

Before I can understand the truth that the bridge was under construction and there was a board not to use the left side bridge I was in the air and I screamed a loud " Papa,mom ,Ed save me"

While calling them three I closed my eyes tight, I felt like it's my last day on this earth,all the memories of this one week in my university and park started revolving in my mind.

But suddenly I felt like I was in the air and someone was holding my waist"Emi your parents are here to save you, nothing is going to happen to you" my inner voice said.

"Uhhh...thank God you are here to save me, I know that you will come to save me, nothing will happen to me when you are here for me" I said without opening my eyes.

"Hahaha....very funny,how come you know that I will save you young girl? Hmm...do we know each other before?"

"As per my knowledge I don't know you,then how come you know me? Are you a secret admirer of mine?" I heard a male voice near my ears.

Immediately without thinking about anything I opened my eyes and "Hey! Who are you? What are you doing here? Why are you holding me in your arms? Keep me down you pervert" I said struggling in his arm's.

"Hey! Hey ! Chill down little girl,hmm...you asked me a lot you questions,so I will answer your every question but first let me take out your cycle which has got stuck inside the cement" He said.

He was a very handsome man with good body structure,abs,cute and a smiling face, actually I was in a shock seeing him infront of me while holding my waist.

"Hello! Little girl( tapping his fingers infront of my face) where are you got lost ? Are you thinking about me and my handsomeness?" He asked.

"Ahem,ahem,Ahem.." I chocked hearing his words, I felt like he read my mind and heart.

"Oh! Oh! Cool cool ...let me answer your questions, uhh...your first question who am I? I'm the new road architecture appointment by the government "
"Your second question what am I doing here? I'm here to supervise the contractor about the bridge reconstruction ideas"

"And about why I was holding you by waist?.you were going to fall into the water,so I saved you from falling, sorry in a hurry I holded you by waist"

"By the way I'm not a pervert, you are not a single girl here for me to flirt, I tried to help you but I think I made the wrong decision for the first time in my life he said.

"Shit Emi what have you done? He was helping you and you shouted at him, even you called him a pervert" I said to myself.

"By the way are you blind? Can't you see the big board in the entrance of the bridge? It's written in block letters that the bridge is under construction and you should use the subway" he said suddenly.

And I came back from my thoughts " I'm really sorry sir, I...I really didn't notice it, I was in a hurry to reach here" I said lowering my head.

"Hey! Young girl don't be upset and don't cry, otherwise they will think (pointing towards the labours) I did something wrong to you"

"You should be very careful while crossing the bridge,if I was not here at the correct time you would have lost your life, from next time be careful"

"Now come on follow me I will help you to go to the other side with your bicycle, from tomorrow take the other side to go and come" He said and took me to the other side.

"Thank you so much for everything sir,I'm very grateful to you " I said and was going to move my bicycle" If you don't mind and take me wrong shall I know your name please?" He asked.

"Yup sure sir,my name is Emily Peter" I said.

"Wow! Beautiful name,I'm Max William from  Switzerland, and I'm....." Before he can complete his whole conversation I intrupted him in the middle.

"Wow!! Switzerland.....huhhh.., really? It's unbelievable to know" I said with excitement.

"Hahaha.... young girl it's just Switzerland,why are so shocked and excited? Have you ever heard about the place?" He asked with a cute smile.

"Yup I heard about Switzerland alot" I said.

"Then what's the matter? Why are you so much shocked? You not even allowed me to conclude my introduction" He said.

"Oh! I'm really sorry sir, actually Switzerland is my dream place,from the age of ten I want to visit there, so I got excited knowing that it's your homeland "

"Sorry please continue what you were saying, you said that you are Max William and you are an architect, why are you here?" I asked.

"Yup you are correct I'm an architect and my first project is from here to reconstruct this bridge which is thousand years old " Max said.

"Oh! Great our villagers will talk about you and your work after you complete the work, okay sir thanks for the help,im getting late my family would be tensed" I said getting on my bicycle.

"Wait a minute miss Emily" he said holding my bicycle handle.

His voice was hoarse, hearing the loud tone I got chill all over my body,other than we two nobody was near there, and he was stranger to me.

So grabbing all my strength and hiding my fear I asked him with a trembling voice and hand" ye..yes sir what happened?"

"Hey! Please don't get feared by me, actually I stopped you to ask you WILL YOU BE MY FIRST FRIEND FROM HERE?" He asked.

"Emi come on hurry up and say yes darling, wow! Look towards his  body shape,those abs, smiling face and handsomeness" My inner voice said.

Avoiding my inner voice I said" Sorry sir,don't take me wrong but I can't be friends with any stranger, I will be thankful and grateful to you for saving me"

"Yeah Emily I can understand,even I would have said no if I have been in your place,but no hurry dear, I will be here at least for half a year, think about my request once.

I will be waiting for a positive response,now please reach home safely" he said and took out his hand from the bike handle.

Without saying a word or turning back I reached home immediately,too many wild thoughts were going inside my mind.

An Accident Made Our Life ❣️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin