The Way I Loved You

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"Not much, Ramee was just telling his crazy client story" Chodie said while signaling to her to sit on the empty couch beside him.

"You know Ramee, sometimes I still couldn't believe that you're for real gonna be a lawyer" It was a genuine feeling of hers but Ray said it with a mocking tone on purpose knowing that Ramee would take it the wrong way.

"HUH? The fuck you mean by that, what? Are you saying that I'm not smart enough?" Ramee took the bait and spat back to her. Ray smirked knowing that she started another argument.

"Well, technically you said it yourself not me" She shrugged her shoulders. Just like that she started a what to be 20 minutes bickering between the two with Taco somehow got dragged into it without saying a word prior.

"WELL AT LEAST I DON'T SPIT WHEN I TALK-!!" Ray barked back at Ramee, he faked a shocking gasp like it was the first time he heard about it. 

 At the end K who was secretly fueling the fire needed to stop the bickering before it gets more and more out of topic.

"Just admit your defeat Ramee" K said, knowing damn well both Ray and Taco already destroyed him.

"Whatever! I don't care about you fucker's opinion anyway! Don't you dare fucking call me if you ended up in trial, the TWO of you! Blacklisted!" Ramee yelled at them full of pettiness

"Aww Taco, look! wittle wamee is maaad, it's okay wamee, we were only kidding! sorry that we hurt your feewings okay?" Ray mocked him even more with her baby talk which lead to Taco, Chodie, and K laughing at him.

"Hmph- it's fine Wae- just don't ever hurt my feewings again!" Ramee gave up at the end because his and Ray's 'baby talk' is always one of his weaknesses. It's funny for him too. 

Ray, having just 'won' the argument, finally laughed out loud. Bickering was and always will be her favorite thing to do with her boys, they know how to take it well and never push it too much. Ray glanced at the other corner of the room where Tommy was sitting, he was there the whole time but didn't say a word and only let out a few chuckles here and there.

"Tommy, you okay over there?" Ray thought she was the one who said it but it seemed like Taco had already read her mind. Tommy immediately looked at their direction, he seemed a little taken back maybe wasn't expecting to be called

"Yeah- yeah- I'm just observing the dynamic between you guys." He said. Ray raised her eyebrows in confusion 'was it really something worth observing?' she thought to herself.

"It must be Ray, right? Is she making you uncomfortable? I can kick her out?" Peanut said jokingly. Surprised with what she heard, Ray glared her eyes at him and he laughed at her.

"Nooo- it's not that. I just didn't know that she's this.. What's the word? Chaotic?" Tommy said with a serious expression on his face.

Immediately after hearing Tommy's words, Ramee and Taco started laughing hysterically with tears falling from their eyes, Chodie was left shocked with his mouth open, and K just shooked his head in disbelief.

"I thought you two had a thing going on back then!" Taco said, which made Tommy even more confused. He glanced at Ray, she was facepalming her face with both of her hands. Looks like they were all baffled by his statement.

"You're WRONG. It's not 'chaotic' She's crazy! This girl is a fucking lunatic!" Taco tried to explain between his laughter.

"I warned you back then Tommy, she's insane! She won't hesitate stabbing you for a second" Chodie added, remembering that he had told him this before.

"There's this one time where April and I were arguing a lot and she told Ray about it- you know what she did? She 'poked' me with her sharp-ass shank every morning! I would be waking up and then BOOM! A trip to the hospital! She had long lost her mind. There's no saving this one- that's why they're the lunatics duo becaus-'' Ramee instantly shut his mouth when he realized where his blabbering is taking. He glanced a little at Ray to see that she's smiling at him. 

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