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“I knew to doubt that troll but for a moment, I believed you” Creek was crying he thought he escaped “You may have us, but you won't get the rest of the Pop Trolls” King Branch said “Oh Pop Trolls? That's what you are?” Chef said, “Pop Trolls?” Everyone asked King Branch “Well even without an inside source we have ways to find them” Chef grabbed the cage and tossed everyone to a pot and locked it.

“I thought you knew what you were doing!” Branch yelled at his future counterpart as Viva was starting to sob “I- this hasn't happened” King Branch lied as he turned dull he's not showing his color he needs to have his emotion in check “Branch” Poppy said her eyes were showing hopelessness, something Poppy never showed before as everyone starting to say their goodbyes. 

It wasn't long until every other Trolls came down and everyone noticed two things Two Branches and Poppy with a sad expression everyone went to Poppy “Poppy are you okay” King Peppy asked “Yeah so great I got everyone thrown in a pot” King Branch hated this, but it's the only way he thought 

“I apologize for ruining our family” Branch told Clay while Clay hugged him “You didn't do anything B our family was breaking at the start that concert just tipped it over” Branch was crying as everyone went gray it was silent no one talked “Branch you were right it's not cupcakes or rainbows” Poppy looked at both Branches as Viva hugged Peppy “Viva?” He gasped with so much unbelievable joy “Hi Daddy” she said so sadly as everyone went gray

A spark was needed to rekindle everyone hopes

“You with the sad eyes” Branch sanged as he left clay “Don't be discouraged” King Branch smiled and “Oh I realized, it's hard to take courage, in a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all the darkness inside you can make you feel so small” Their Hug Time Bracelets chimed every single in a melody “Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy can't remember when, I last saw you laughing, this room makes you crazy” Branch even slid in his knees as Clay smiled hearing his voice “And you taken all you can bear just call me up” Branch got up “And I will always be there” Poppy felt so happy hearing Branch sing she just felt it happy “And I see your true colors” Poppy colors were returning to her beautiful pink

“Shining through I see your true colors” And Poppy colors came back as she stared at Branch “And that's why I love you” Clay smiled his brother confess he looked at the King Version of him “This happened didn't it?” Clay asked his color returning seeing Branch colors also a beautiful Royal Blue “Yeah” King Branch went back to his colorful self “Like a rainbow” Branch ended “Oh-Oh-Oh like a rainbow” Poppy finished as everyone hugged each other King Branch open his arms as Clay gave him a hug. 

“Poppy what's happening?” A trolling asked as Poppy looked at King Branch who was smiling like an idiot to her, “We have a little help from the future King Branch?” Everyone looked the other Branch “Introductions later but Poppy you're the princess right now we are waiting for you” Poppy was thinking “I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know where not giving up” the pot shook as King Branch looked up and saw “Bridget?” Poppy was surprised as Bridget moved the pot to its side “It's unfair that all of you will get eaten” Bridget let every troll out “Bridget if you do this who knows what they will do to you” Poppy said holding in her tears “Poppy I'll be fine you showed me how it feels to be happy”.

Bridget closed the door as every troll began to run using the old tunnels “Everyone come on no troll left behind” King Branch and Viva said together as Poppy looked at the castle as Branch looked at her “Branch it's not fair Bridget sacrificed herself for us” Branch looked at his King version “Poppy whatever you say I'm with you” Branch said “And am I” King Branch said Clay and Viva came with them “Let's go!”

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They all broke in and landed into Bridget head and used their hair altogether and Bridget became Lady Glitter Sparkles (He still hates the name)

As King Branch ignored everything he thought of his Queen and Wife, their egg he can feel it shaking it's ready to hatch soon “Poppy where are you?” King Branch said as he saw the Troll Tree regain life as he saw Poppy hold the crown “Our new Queen” Everyone cheered as he saw Smidge lift them up with ease as Clay held on to his shoulder “I'm proud of you y'know” Clay said, and King Branch gave him a hug “I know you always told me”.

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It's been a good 6 months, and they finished rebuilding, finally King Branch has to give them a long-overdue explanation as he stood on top of the mushroom “Hi?” Branch was still not a social troll “I'm ready to ask questions” King Peppy started “So King? Branch?” Branch blushed “Well I did marry your daughter, so I became King after we dated for a while” oh it was a while it was only like a year before Poppy proposed “Are there more dangers?” A Random Troll asked “Well yeah it isn't Cupcakes and Rainbows, but Poppy will handle it like she did in my time”.

Poppy smiled in pride, “Will you help us?” Biggie asked “Unfortunately no” King Branch said and everyone gasped “I may be your King, but I'm the King of the Future you guys only have Poppy” King Branch said everyone gasped “Will you help me be a good queen?” Poppy asked “I wish Popifer but that's something you have to learn yourself you learned from your mistakes and because of that, you became a great Queen” King Branch said. 

Everyone seemed to agree with him after a few more questions they were satisfied and left it the next day when Clay was moving into the Bunker with Clay and King Branch decided to stay until 3 more days Branch came up to King Branch when he was talking to Clay

“So King me, can I ask a question?” King Branch and Clay stopped talking as King Branch waited “How do I ask Poppy out” Oh it's this day “Honestly you just have to know when to tell her” King Branch remembered how hard it was to tell his Poppy. 

“That's not helpful, but thanks” Clay waited for Branch to leave, “So did you ask her out?” Clay asked sure his relationship with Branch improved but there was still boundaries he would rather not overstep “Nope I chocked, Want to go and take a picture” King Branch said as he went into his hair and grabbed a camera.

“Your behind 20 years of blackmail Clay might as well start” Clay grabbed the camera and left the Bunker with King Branch the moment the song ended they went behind a bush and took the picture

“I need a copy to remind my Poppy of this” King Branch said as Clay nodded until they heard shouts King Branch and Clay ran to the sounds and saw Poppy panicking over a small bat on her hair, luckily Branch saved her by calming it down

Outside the insults made a Barb's pet Bat King Peppy made them go with him to tell them the history of trolls or well the false history

It's not King Peppy fault the Kings before him change the story when Peppy ended the story King Branch grabbed Cooper, Poppy, Branch, Clay, and Viva “I need you guys to listen to me, I normally wouldn't interrupt this but the story you've been told is false our history has been changed” 

Everyone gasped except Branch “I think I knew it if we all split up why did we have the harp” Branch said “Yeah King Peppy the King of Secrets you two called him” Viva and Poppy laughed “Let me tell you the real story” King Branch say down “In the beginning there was silence until our ancestors founded the strings and life was one big party” Poppy smiled “Just like Dad said” Viva was sensing a but “Until what we Pop Trolls did” “So there was a but” Viva said

“We Pop Trolls took all the strings and tried to force Pop onto everyone” Everyone stayed silent “So the elders of the other tribes took the other strings and ran” Poppy was shocked “So why this world tour?” Viva asked “There's harmony and unity and if Barb gets all the strings” “She will force us into her music” Branch, Viva, and Clay said Poppy was silent while Cooper just felt like he shouldn't be in the conversation.

“I'll leave you guys be to think about this”

A King in the PastМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя