Ch. 1: Fancy seeing you here

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Alhaitham had never worried about his students learning of his personal life, after all there wasn't anything amazing for them to gossip about. He had no lover, had no other major hobbies, and had no other friends that lived anywhere near by. There was also the fact that he was a serious introvert who would rather stay home with a book instead of choosing to venture out into the world for some kind of exciting form of entertainment. He was simple guy with simple pleasures, and a simple home that was big enough for two and had a large room with nothing but shelves of books. 

However, there was one thing that he liked that many of his students were not too surprised by. In fact, they kind of expected it. Every morning Alhaitham would make his way to the university campus and would stop by a small coffee shop along the way. If he had time he would go over his lesson plans, with a simple cup of coffee or even a latte with a little bit of art poured at the top. It was something that he actually didn't mind to see, he found art to be sometimes meaningful depending on who you ask, and after one incident long ago he never chooses to judge another artist. 

However, one morning he heads to the cafe with his lessons in hand and his laptop as well so that he could get more online work done for his students first exam of the year. He looks up to the sign decorated with the name of the coffee shop in bright green lights, 'Sumerian Latte.' A simple name. A simple coffee shop. Nothing too complicated with a menu that also stayed with a routine of changing specials and items at least once a month. He found it to be a bit tedious, that is until he ended up trying everything from each of those changes of drinks, pastries, and sandwiches. 

He steps into the cafe as the bell above shakes with a small 'ding.' He goes up to the counter as a barista steps out from the back with a smile. But the moment he comes into his sight, Alhaitham feels his entire body tense up, and he wasn't sure as to why. It's not like they were mortal enemies or even enemies in general, they just haven't spoken to each other since high school when it all ended for them. The barista was just as shocked to him as he carefully tied his blonde locks up into a high bun with a few strands sticking out along with his bangs that swerved to the side over a bit of his forehead. He hadn't counted on seeing him again, but here they were.

"Well then, fancy seeing you here...Kaveh."

The blonde in question folds his arms with a slight shrug as he chooses to not let his emotions flare up like he used to in the past. 


"I didn't know that you worked here, perhaps you have been on a different shift."

"You'd be correct to assume that, but I am always told of what you want as far as drinks go because a few of your students also work here sometimes. I had guessed for a while that the oh so charming, and cold professor they always spoke of was you."

Alhaitham sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"That's great....well if you know about what I like then perhaps you already know what to make or do you need me to speak?"

"Hmph! I already know considering you're planning to stay in here for a bit, so just have a seat and I'll get your order."

He processes his order and has him pay with a bit of a pout on his face. Kaveh did not ever believe that he would run into this man again. It's not like he hated him or anything, he just always remembered the times when they would collide on their beliefs and life styles to the point that it ruined their previous friendship. And for a while he did hate him, but he had managed to let it go over time. If they were to try and speak now then maybe they could get along a bit better considering the fact that they were no longer children. 

'Can't believe that I managed to work during a time when he comes in. When I switched shifts with that one fellow, I had figured that maybe all the gossip going around was just a coincidence. No. Of course not. If it's him, it's never just a damn coincidence. NEVER.'

He carefully prepares his latte with a small touch of latter art be creating a small image of a book. He smiles proudly at his work and grabs the pastry he would want as well. He steps out from behind the counter and sets down his latte and pastry before him at his table. He stares down at the man dressed in dark green like colors with a light brown trench coat, and turtle neck with no sleeves. Simple and dull and it made Kaveh's eyes burn. 

"Hard at work hm?"

Alhaitham glances up to him from his laptop before glancing down to the late art. 

"I never expected that you would be a professor. Didn't you hate dealing with troublesome like things? Students and preparations for them are just as troublesome, so it's a bit surprising,"

"It can be a bit tiring, however any job or profession will be tiring in some way shape or form. And while I don't like to socialize, my students know to never bother me unless it's necessary."

Kaveh shivers as he feels a small chill run up his spine.

"Still as cold as ever huh?"

"And you? I'm surprised you're working in a small shop like this."

Kaveh scratches his cheek a bit.

"You were always itching about art and design since freshman year for you. So what happened to that?"

Kaveh clears his throat a bit before turning away from him, " does require supplies so of course I have to also have some side jobs or plans so that I can continue with my work. And as for this shop well, I own it! So leave it at that." 

His tone had shifted just lightly with the pitch in his voice dropping a bit as well, and this grabs the professor's attention. He could tell that he had hit a sour note. Kaveh's entire behavior tells him that it was touchy subject and that he did not want to talk about it. Before he could say more a rush of customers started to come, as another barista steps out from the back to help. 

"I have to get back to work. I guess it wasn't too bad talking to you again after so long," 

Alhaitham sighs softly through his nose. 


Kaveh waves a hand and steps back to his area behind the counter. 

Alhaitham looks back to his latte and feels a headache forming at the side of his right temple. He wasn't sure as to why, but seeing and hearing the response from his previous friend—for some reason made him angry. 

Unfortunately, this would only leave for him to make his students suffer. And suffer they did. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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