03 - rivalry

25 4 0


As Kuroo and I locked eyes, a palpable tension filled the air. His skill was evident, presenting a formidable challenge unlike any I had faced in the previous rounds. It was kinda weird the sudden rivalry we just built in the past few minutes, not ever having seen each other before. But he was making this whole thing way more interesting than I thought it would be.

As soon as the moderator opened his mouth to speak, a mutual understanding passed between us — this was the moment that would determine the victor. With bated breath, we awaited the challenge, our expressions etched with determination that could have intimidated even the most stoic observers.

"What is the normality of a 1M solution of H3PO4?
(a) 0.5 N
(b) 3.0 N
(c) 2.0 N
(d) 1.0 N"

The question hung in the air, each option scrutinized with meticulous precision. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to slow as my mind raced to recall the answer. The memory of Ikuru's disinterested expression as she posed a similar question during our study sessions flickered through my mind, serving as a beacon of certainty amidst the pressure.

"It's 3.0 N, because H3PO4 is tribasic," I declared confidently, the words breaking the silence like a decisive blow. The weight of disappointment registered on Kuroo's expression, a fleeting acknowledgment of defeat.

As the moderator proclaimed me the winner, our silent rivalry dissolved, replaced by a sense of mutual respect. Kuroo's smile conveyed admiration rather than bitterness as he gracefully exited the stage, leaving behind an unspoken acknowledgment of our shared battle.

Returning to my seat among the remaining contestants, I couldn't help but reflect on the unique interplay of competition that had unfolded. The anticipation of the final round loomed, a testament to the enduring challenge that lay ahead.

Soon enough, I found myself back in the center of the stage, facing off against a new opponent. Despite the absence of the intense rivalry that had characterized my duel with Kuroo, the stakes remained high. Each question answered brought me one step closer to the coveted victory, yet the thrill of the competition paled in comparison to the exhilarating clash with my previous adversary.

With the final question answered and victory secured once more, a sense of ambivalence washed over me. The triumph was undeniable, yet the absence of the intense rivalry from before left me strangely unsettled. Was it possible that the unexpected bond forged amidst competition had colored my perception of victory?

Before I could dwell on the thought further, the moderator's voice broke through the contemplative silence: "Congratulations! L/n Y/n and Yamasaki Kazuko pass to the finals! But before that, we'll take another break, this time a 20 minutes long one."
As the announcement echoed through the auditorium, anticipation mounted, setting the stage for the climactic conclusion of the Chemistry Olympics.


As I made my way off the stage, a mixture of congratulations and admiring glances greeted me from fellow students. While most conveyed genuine admiration, there were subtle undertones of envy from some, a testament to the competitive atmosphere that had enveloped the event.

Intent on seeking a moment of solace, I was interrupted by a touch on my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with the sight of a tall boy, his disheveled black hair framing a smirk that danced mischievously on his lips.

"Hey!" he greeted, the smirk still playing on his features. Before I could offer a response, he continued: "Just wanted to congratulate you, that was impressing."
His words were genuine, a testament to the respect that had blossomed between us during our intense duel.

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