A bad start to a terrible day

Start from the beginning

I dry myself and towel dry my hair, before making some toast and coffee. I tousled my hair with my fingers, trying to both fluff it and keep it out of my eyes. I grimaced as I realised my hairs just shit and no amount of playing with it will fix it much.

I threw on a pair of brown Corduroys and a button down shirt, I matched it with an olive brown tie and decided it was to warm for a suit jacket.

I downed my coffee and  headed out the door 10 minutes late, and hoped my train was delayed. It was not.

At the office

"Mr Jones, why weren't you at the monthly check-in meeting?" My boss boomed as I entered the studio.

"I missed the train this morning, I sent an email as soon as I could sir" I reasoned

"I'm docking 2 hours of pay for that"

"I was 30 minutes late, I need that-" I started
"Don't be late next time Jones"

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