He arrived and saw something surprising. Potter was trying to shove a large book back into the shelf.

Next to Potter, on the floor was a lamp and some kind of cloak.

With just a glance, Kenny could tell the cloak was a rather powerful artefact.

Potter was getting interesting. He had dismissed the boy after the night they ran into the three-headed dog, but maybe there is more to him than meets the eye.

Kenny walked around Potter, his steps and breathing muffled by Potter's panic, observing the book he was handling.

There was no title or writing on the spine, and he could only see part of the cover from the way Potter was holding it.

Once Potter had managed to put the book back in place, he yanked the cloak over him and disappeared.

Even though Ainz can see through low to mid tier invisibility, he couldn't see Potter after he put the cloak on.

He did have other means of tracking him, however.

'See invisibility'

He scanned the area but still couldn't see him.

He was a little flustered by this and began to listen hard, not wanting to lose him.

He heard faint footsteps that made him activate another spell.

'Rabbit ears'

He heard the footsteps walking toward the exit and moved to follow.

He followed him out of the restricted, through the library, and past the caretaker, filch, who had come to investigate the noise from the shrieking books.

They left the library and shot down the corridors until Kenny heard Harry stop and catch his breath near a decorative suit of armour.

Now, Kenny was trying his hardest to keep his breathing quiet so Potter didn't hear him.

"You asked me to come directly to you, Professor, if anyone was wandering around at night, and somebody's been in the library's Restricted Section."

Filch must've had a shortcut. The voice that replied to Filch was that of Professor Snape.

"The Restricted Section? Well, they can't be far, we'll catch them."

He heard Potter gasp in surprise and then slowly move to a nearby door that was left ajar.

He heard Harry suck in his breath as he tried to squeeze through the open door without moving it.

When he was sure Potter was safely out of the way, Kenny followed, still curious about the cloak.

The room looked like a disused classroom, chairs and tables piled up against the walls, a blackboard on the far end that had a significant layer of dust.

On the other side, propped against the wall was a tall mirror that reached the ceiling.

The mirror had gold rims and carved the top, were the words:

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."

Potter walked closer to the mirror, and suddenly, he pulled the cloak off and let it fall to the floor.

Harry stepped even closer to the mirror and further from the cloak.

Kenny stepped slowly towards the cloak.

He pointed his unseen finger at it.

'Detect enchant'

He was very impressed by the enchantment. In fact, the collector in him was telling him to obtain it by any means necessary.

"Mum? Dad?"

He heard Harry whisper.

When Kenny looked to the mirror, he saw only Harry's reflection.

He looked back to the writing, trying to decipher it.

Kenny felt it took him too long to decipher it, as when you noticed, it was fairly obvious.

It was backwards, and the words had been improperly spaced.

Now, when he read it, it made perfect sense.

"I show not your face but your heart's desire."

Harry, an orphan, was seeing his parents with him.

Harry remained fixed to the mirror until he quickly turned around, seemingly for something.

He turned back to the mirror and, after a few moments, held his hand out behind him while still keeping his eyes fixed on the mirror.

Harry only moved closer, and Kenny couldn't help but feel deep sympathy for Harry. Being so absorbed in a mere fantasy, a mere illusion, that he couldn't turn away and face reality.

He felt his emotional suppressant wash over him, and he looked to Harry with cold eyes.

He thought about taking the cloak and slipping away, but before he could decide whether he'd care about making such a scumbag move, the door creaked open a fraction.

And more footsteps could be heard entering the room.

Kenny almost laughed aloud at his own thoughts. It seemed it was a busy night for those with the ability to move unnoticed.

In his mind, Kenny compared it to three people wearing the same outfit to a party.

If Harry, who was still fixated on the mirror, had turned around, he'd see nothing, but Kenny saw Albus Dumbledore standing in the room, looking at Harry.

He was unsure if Dumbledore could see him. The invisibility spell he had used wasn't a particularly powerful one.

Dumbledore may even be using the same one or a similar one anyway.

But Dumbledore showed no sign of seeing him.

He kept his eyes trained on Potter.

Kenny too turned to him, and they all sat in silence, Harry looked to nothing but the mirror, Dumbledore looked to nothing but Harry, and Kenny looked between the both of them.

Dumbledore had a sad look in his eye. This made Kenny wonder what he saw in the mirror.

Kenny himself felt no inclination to look. One will find no enlightenment in fantasy.

Or... that's what he told himself anyway.

Maybe he was just frightened to get as lost as Harry or maybe more lost.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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