Chapter 3: Who are you and what did you do with Nightmare?

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A/N just a heads up this story is a bit more angsty than my other fic

Nightmare reluctantly opened the door to the hallway. If he could, he would just spend the rest of his day locked up in the office he most certainly would. However, that would result in a lot more office drama than was going on.

He couldn't help but hesitate. He wasn't the same weak boy who would run away anymore. Still, he could never make up for what he did. Would he still do it now?

His hand absentmindedly Went to trace the golden necklace he wore. Whenever he was with other people, he would hide it away under his hoodie. Whenever he was alone though, he kept it out. It was an anxious habit of his to trace the familiar shape. He had even managed to wear down the edges.

It was so ridiculous, and so unfair. He was different now; not even the same boy Dawn had known growing up. He was stronger now, confident and powerful. He shouldn't even care about her or what she thought. Yet, he couldn't help himself.

It made sense. After all when they were children she was the first to give him a chance. His first and only friend before he gave in and ate one of the negativity apples. The Tree of Feelings as Dream called it had been basically their home, and related to their powers. While Dawn had been... well, in the time he was without her he couldn't stand the bullying. He gave in, and ate all the apples. Dream saved one, and merged it with his soul. Nightmare had wanted to get back at everyone, but Dream stopped him.

He'd used his newly found confidence to try to go and see her.

The second he got there however, he ended up frozen at the door. She probably hated him now. He'd done that to her. It was all his fault she was trapped here anyway. He didn't deserve to see her anymore. After that, he had forced Dream to leave town with him. The people there hated them anyway. They had moved away and met all their new friends.

He'd never been able to forget Dawn though. She had been his best friend. They spent every afternoon together. Sometimes, they read books under the tree. Other times she'd drag him out to the forest or lake to show off her magic. He didn't care what they did, as long as he was with her. He even packed a cinnamon roll for lunch everyday.

That had been her favorite dessert, and she'd always bring some to share under the tree. It was ridiculous that he even had the nerve to do these things. He detested himself for still wearing the necklace and eating the desserts. After all the ways she suffered due to him it wasn't fair he found comfort in the things they used to love together.

Man, he was a lame excuse for a person. He didn't care for many people, but the one he cared about the most was the one he hurt the worst. She didn't even seem to hate him for it. She should though, and he didn't deserve to spend time in her company. It was the sad truth, and he accepted that. He slipped the necklace under his hoodie and walked out into the empty hallway. Taking a deep breath, Nightmare finally headed downstairs.

There she was. As he glanced into the room from the shadows, he saw everyone crowded around Dawn, chattering. She looked happy- he had missed seeing her like that. She had changed a lot, but she was still absolutely beautiful in his eyes. Even if instead of wearing nice dresses and having her hair perfectly done she wore old clothes and a messy ponytail. That wasn't the only thing that had changed though.

He cringed when he looked at her face. Her glasses were adorable sure, but she had never needed them before. He could easily spot the reason she needed them; a fracture across the right side of her face. Of course from his angle it looked like the left side, but he was across from her. It wasn't that it made her ugly, no he was used to scars after Horror, it was the memories that went along with it.

He really wanted to apologize; she really seemed like she would forgive him. However it was also a matter of if he deserved this. She might want to fix the relationship he had broken, but what if she just greeted him cordially? Did he really want to embarrass himself in front of his employees?

He decided he would. He had wanted to see her for 10 years now, he wouldn't let his pride be his downfall. He had learned in his high school years that it could be a weakness, and it almost cost him a friendship with Error.

He took a slow breath before stepping out of the shadows. Everyone went quiet as he cleared his throat. Dawn didn't look away this time; she kept her melancholy gaze on him the whole time. He took a couple steps towards everyone before Lust stepped in between them and shot him a glare. Nightmare was only surprised for a few seconds; Lust was basically everyone's defender against him. He had guts, and Nightmare had always respected him for it.

"Not a step closer Nightmare. I don't know what happened between you, but knowing you you're here to demand some sort of apology from this poor girl."

Nightmare just rolled his eye and pushed Lust out of the way with a tentacle. Ignoring protests, he stepped closer until he was face to face with Dawn. He hadn't realized how much taller he had gotten- she only made it up to his chin. He cleared his throat awkwardly and glanced around at everyone. He was earning plenty of glares from the stars, and even a side eye from Horror. He sighed; that was fair. He shifted his attention back to Dawn; for a second he was caught up just thinking about his beautiful her eyes were when they sparkled in the light. He shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Dawn, I doubt it matters much but... for what it's worth I am truly sorry."

The room was silent. Almost everyone had their jaws dropped. What kind of witch was this woman to get Nightmare to apologize, looking bashful like he meant it, in front of everyone. Dream shifted awkwardly.

"I don't think you need an apology from me based on how you're acting, but I'm sorry too. I should've kept us from leaving."

Dawn smiled softly, nodding at Dream. She turned to Nightmare with the same smile, and he could swear his heart was becoming as goopy as his exterior.

"I forgave you a long time ago Night. For all its worth, I don't blame you for what happened. It was my choice; but I did wait for you everyday. Don't dwell on the past, I don't care about that anymore."

Nightmare looked down, and it almost looked like he was about to cry. His whole gang was unsure of what to do; and everyone else just stood slack jawed. They had all been sure that Nightmare was incapable of such emotions at this point. The silence was broken by none other than Ink.

"Dawn, what kind of magical sorceress are you?"

Blue glared at him from across the room. This time, it was Geno who slapped him across the top of his skull and glared. He just returned the glare with a sheepish smile.

"Well I wouldn't say I'm a sorceress for any of that; we were best friends growing up. I guess nobody told you anything about me huh?"

The silence in the room just got less shocked and more confused. As far as any of them were aware, Nightmare hadn't had any friends before them. What on earth happened between them? Killer shook his head and laughed.

"Look, I don't know who you are; but you can get Nightmare to apologize to you and mean it. I think we'd be stupid to even put you through the interview process."

The room was filled of murmurs of agreement. Dream laughed; they'd already basically offered her a job earlier but having someone vocalize this felt more concrete. Nightmare's face flushed and he stalked off the hide in the shadows by the stairway. Geno, who was generally the person they would have done interviews and such nodded in approval and leaned against Reaper. Blue grinned excitedly.

"Are you really going to work here? This is so exciting! I've got to make so many preparations for your desk!"

With that he rushed off to who knows where. Dust chuckled and slipped away after him. Horror eyed the bagel Dust had been eating before snatching it up.

Error narrowed his eyes at the new addition; this was sure to be interesting. Beside him, Cross was nervously eying her; he wasn't sure how to feel about her and Dream being so close.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 28 ⏰

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