Radio Lover

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The pain of death was intense, so much so, that Aelia could not move. All of the air around her had faded away and no matter how hard she tried, she could not fill her lungs. Slowly she suffocated, sinking in what felt like a sea of molasses until her vision faded to black.

Then, as though it had all been a dream, Aelia suddenly came to and gasped for air, greedily taking in as much as she could. Her lungs burned and her head felt congested, as though it might burst at any given moment. She had no idea what was going on, but one thing was certain, she was not in Tennessee anymore.

As she lay on the cold, concrete ground between two tall buildings, she stared weakly up at the dark red sky. She had never seen such a color. It was ominous. For a moment, Aelia considered closing her eyes and letting her mind fade back into darkness, but the sound of moaning caught her attention. Someone was near.

Despite the pain, Aelia sat up. Her body felt heavy but she dismissed it as fatigue and stood on her trembling feet. A groan of pain left her. Why did her veins feel like they were on fire?

I was executed, wasn't I?

The last thing she remembered before she woke up was staring up at the ceiling in the execution chamber before she was knocked unconscious. It figures. Aelia felt every bit of what the injections did to her. So, how did she wind up in an alleyway?

Tottering toward the muffled voice, Aelia felt as though she was dragging something behind her, but upon witnessing the source of the former noise, her eyes grew wide in shock. A man with a cyclopean eye was being blown by in public as onlookers at the entrance to the alley watched on in awe and pleasure.

What the fuck?

And stranger than that, the onlookers were beings straight out of a fantasy world. Anthropomorphic animals, humans with multi-hued skin, and gelatinous creatures; the list went on. Aelia must be dreaming. Or having a nightmare.

She considered waiting until the alley was clear to leave, but she wanted more than ever just to escape the awkward situation before it got worse. As she wandered closer, the one-eyed man took note of her and grinned.

"Ya want a taste, darling? Make this a threesome."

Aelia narrowed her eyes in disgust.

"Not a chance in hell."

Besides, her heart belonged to someone else. The thought of his name alone made her heart race.

"Where do ya think you are?" The man remarked.

What the hell did that mean? Aelia shook her head and stormed past him.

"Ain't neva seen a succubus turn down cock. It's your loss, bitch."

Again, she was left in wonder, but as she passed through the crowd of onlookers, evading the wandering hands of a pig-like man, she came to realize that she was soon to dismiss the man's remark.

The area she woke up in was in utter disarray. People were running around out of control; she saw one person shoot another right across the street.

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

Or Earth for that matter.

A sudden sharp pain shot up Aelia's side, and upon turning her head, she realized that someone had bumped into her. Yet, she did not feel them brush her. To her horror, a light gray wing with light blue tipped feathers rose into view. Aelia gasped.

Hurrying over to a store window, she looked at her reflection, unfamiliar with the person she saw. Was this her? It couldn't be. Her hair was long, wavy, and light gray. The hazel-green eyes that she got from her mother were now light blue and the sclera surrounding them was black. Then to matters worse, she had two pairs of wings on her lower back and a set of white horns that enveloped her head like a circlet.

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