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(I'm not going to lie, I forgot about this one for a while ...)

Girl. There's a girl here. And she has a DS. Is this some sort of prank?
Why is there a girl here and why is she next to me?
Go away.
Kuroo, I swear if I make it out of here alive, I'm going to slap you.
"Kenma, this is Katsumi." Asami introduces.
I'm not a child, Asami.
Does she expect me to speak to Katsumi?
"Hi..." Katsumi mutters.
That makes you a braver person than I am.
I grunt to acknowledge her. But that's all.
"He's the quiet type." Asami notes.
I'm not the quiet type. I'm the go away and please don't talk or touch me type.
"Ah, I see you met Katsumi!" Kuroo teases, walking into the room.
Wow, there is an awfully large amount of people in this room.
"His hair is funny." Katsumi whispers to her sister.
Yes, and how old are you, Katsumi?
"That's rude Katsumi! Now, you two just sit here and play on your Xboxes, and we'll be back soon." Asami explains, leading Kuroo into another room.
1.) I have a DS. You can't even carry around an Xbox with you. Anyway, I'm a Playstation sort of guy.
2.) If you think I'm staying in this house for one more second, you're dead wrong.
Problem is ... how am I going to get home.
It's dark out.
I know I live right around he corner but ...
It's dark out.
Wait, that could be an advantage.
It being dark means that no one sees me walking. That means I can be left alone.
Katsumi flops down right next to me before I have the chance to get up and leave.
She's close to me ... very close to me.
Go away.
"Is that shiny?" she points out, directing towards my screen.
I didn't even remember I had it open.
I regret bringing this game ... obviously some sort of conversation is going to be started from it.
I let silence give my answer for me.
"That's a really nice shiny!"
"We should trade!"
Stop talking to me.
"Want to trade?"
Too many intense questions, too little time.
And no, I know I beat this game, but I am NOT giving up a shiny Pokemon.
"Hey, Puddinghead, can you hear me?"
Without another word, I get up and meekly move to the other side of the room, taking my DS with me.
So much for charging it ...
"Why'd you move over there?"
My eyes aren't leaving this screen, lady.
Be quiet.
Without another word, she gets up and saunters over to me.
Did you not get the message that I don't want to be next to you?
Kuroo, I have no idea what you're doing. I don't know your plan. But tomorrow you owe me so much.
Quickly, she grabs a piece of my hair that was hanging in front of my eye.
I jerk my head away, my hair slipping through her fingers as I do.
"What was that for?"
"Oh, I see. You just don't want to trade any of your Pokemon!"
I also don't want to trade any conversation.
You know what, I'll just leave my charger here. My DS has enough charge for another hour ... I can find a charger at my house.
I get up and run out of the room.
"Hey where ya going?" she calls from the room.
Kuroo peeks his head up from upstairs to see why she was yelling.
He made it in time to see me run out the door.
I run (jog ... walk at above average speed) around the corner to my house.
And surprise ...
No one is home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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