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Rain pours heavily in the town, shadows lurk 'round every corner and eyes seem to peer through the darkness. It's almost midnight, a time everyone knows not to be out at.

Footsteps slap agaisnt the wet ground growing closer and closer.

Apparently not everyone.

A figure appears at the end of the alleyway you stand in. You can not see their face in the darkness.

They're panting heavily, it seems they may have ran here.

They stalk closer to where you're stood yet seem to not have seen you at all.

As they grow nearer, a street light flickers, illuminating their face for just momemt. What you do see of it though, is filthy; hair a mess, and face covered in what you can only presume (hope) is dirt.

They take a few more steps and you start to wonder how they have not clocked your presence yet.

Maybe you should say something?

No noise comes out and panic slowly starts to settle within you.

The person is right next to you now but they carry on, moving past you. You go to follow but your legs feel like lead weights and dont move at all.

You turn your head to find the person but they're gone.

The rain has stopped, you notice absentmindedly. When did that happen?

You blink.

The wind rushes past your face but you do not feel it.

You blink again.

You limbs are going numb yet you could never feel them in the first place.

You blink a third time.

The street is gone. Your in a dark room, a knife in your hand. It falls to the fall with a thud. Your hand is bleeding; blood drips from your fingertips.

Is it yours or someone elses?

You do not know.

It worked.

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