Itafushi Headcanons

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Fluff 🐇🐾

• Itadori knows Megumi is still haunted by the time he "died" so whenever Megumi has nightmares he cuddles him alot.

• Itadori would jump infront of death for Megumi which he knows.

• At the same time, Megumi hates it when Itadori tries to put himself in danger for him.

• Megumi isn't very good at showing affection but would walk on fire for Itadori.

• Megumi's constant hitting Itadori = I love you but your too silly.

• Itadori purposely acts dumb sometimes just to make Fushiguro laugh.

• Megumi laughs because he loves seeing Itadori happy.

• The pin up poster in Itadori's room always bothered Fushiguro.

•When they met for the first time Fushirguro was almost a thousand percent sure that Yuji is straight.

•Itadori's coming out was huge mess of chaos but everyone loved it, especially Megumi.

• They are together thanks to Nobara's efforts.

•The time Todo asked Megumi his type, the only person in his mind was Ita.

•They definitely kept their relationship a secret at the start.

•Ofcourse it was Yuji who accidently revealed it.

•Itadori is flirt and Megumi is the shy type.

•Itadori always flirts with Megumi knowing he can't control his blush.

•He hates how kind Itadori is sometimes and that people can easily take advantage of his weakness.

•He stands up for Itadori whenever he can't.

• Megumi fell first but Itadori fell harder

•Itadori loves double dates with Nobara and Maki.

•Yuji is more into PDA while Megumi isn't a big fan.

•Megumi's love language is words of affirmation and acts of service.

•Itadori's love language is physical touch and slight words of affirmation.

• Itadori had once told Megumi,"I'd die for you if you asked" and had gotten smacked and lectured.

• Megumi refused to talk to Itadori for a few days for keeping his aliveness a secret.

• Its mostly Megumi getting jealous because of Ita's extra extroverted personality.

•Itadori has a hard time figuring out when people are flirting with him, so he's nice to everyone, making Megumi jealous.

•Although it's Megumi who gets jealous frequently, he always manages to hide it.

•Itadori gets jealous rarely but whenever he does, he is open about it and tells Fushiguro.

•Megumi can't do that and keeps it to himself till it gets out of hand.

•He gives Itadori the silent treatment whenever this happens. Itadori just gets when Megumi is jealous .

•Nobara would do anything to protect them.

• Once while kissing, sukuna had swapped with Yuji giving him a cardiac arrest.

•Nobara has defiantly caught them making out.

Smut ⚠️
•Itadori is gentle but he can be rough as well.

•Expert at after care

•Megumi is a power bottom

•Itadori is top.

•Megumi likes being praised.

•Itadori takes full advantage of this

•Megumi is a virgin. Itadori isn't.

•Itadori may have done it with atleast one girl back in highschool

•Megumi doesn't have any kinks, he goes with the flow.

•Itadori has a few kinks but no one can really tell.

•Itadori is much more hornier than Megumi

•Their first time was a mess.

•Yuji will cuddle him after sex.

•Itadori likes going rough with Megumi sometimes.

•Degradation doesn't really sit right with Yuji.

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