Floating Tent

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I have always loved adventure and doing something different. Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of exploring new places and having exciting experiences. One of my wishes was to make a floating tent and spend a day on the water. I thought it would be cool and challenging to survive 24 hours in a floating tent, with nothing but nature and my dog for company.

I spent a few weeks preparing for the challenge. I bought a large tent and some inflatable tubes. I attached the tubes to the bottom of the tent, so that it could float on the water. I also bought some safety equipment, like a life jacket, an air compressor, a rope, and a motor. I wanted to be prepared for any emergency, in case something went wrong.

I also packed some food and drinks, a portable stove, a fishing rod, a portable toilet, a laptop, a solar battery, a speaker, and a camera. I wanted to have some comfort and entertainment, as well as document my adventure.

I chose the Ulhas river near Gandhari bridge as my location for the challenge. I had heard that it was a beautiful and peaceful place, with clear water and green surroundings. I thought it would be perfect for my floating tent challenge.

I drove to the river with Tinu and my car full of stuff. I reached there at 4 pm, and I was very excited. I inflated the tubes and set up the tent on the water. I tied the rope to the tent and the car, so that it wouldn't drift away. I put on my life jacket and put one on Tinu too. I loaded the tent with my stuff and climbed inside with Tinu. I started the motor and cut the rope. I was ready to begin the challenge.

The tent was spacious and comfortable. It had a window and a door, which I could open or close as I wished. It also had an outer area, where I had placed a plywood piece over the tubes and a mattress over the plywood. It was like a balcony, where I could sit and enjoy the view.

I ate some biscuits and drank some water, as I watched the river and the sky. The wind was cold and refreshing, and the sun was shining brightly. I saw some people on the river bank, who looked at me with curiosity and admiration. I waved at them and smiled. They waved back and cheered. I felt happy and proud.

Tinu and I enjoyed the sunset, which was a spectacular sight. The sky turned into a painting of orange, pink, and purple. The water reflected the colors and sparkled. I took some pictures and videos with my camera, and posted them on social media. I got a lot of likes and comments from my friends and followers, who were amazed by my adventure.

I made some maggi for dinner on my portable stove, and served some raw meat and dog food to Tinu. We ate our dinner together, as we listened to the sound of the water and the birds. I turned on a mini light in the tent, which created a cozy atmosphere. I watched some content on my laptop, while Tinu played with his toys. I kept the tent open, so that I could feel the breeze and see the stars.

I called my relatives and showed them the views. They were happy and worried for me. They asked me if I was safe and comfortable. I assured them that I was fine and having fun. I told them not to worry and that I would be back soon. I thanked them for their support and love.

I had some cold drink for dessert, and felt sleepy. I decided to sleep outside the tent, on the outer area. I put on the mosquito net and lay down on the mattress. TPA zindabad cuddled with me, and I felt his warmth and heartbeat. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, feeling peaceful and content.

I woke up at 5 am, and saw the light of dawn. It was cold and foggy, and the water was calm and clear. I felt a surge of happiness and gratitude, as I realized that I had survived the night in the floating tent. I woke up Tinu, and hugged him. He licked my face and wagged his tail.

We made some kadak tea on the stove, and drank it while watching the sunrise. It was a beautiful and magical moment, as the sun rose from the horizon and filled the sky with light and warmth. I took some more pictures and videos, and called my grandmother and mom. I talked to them and told them how I was feeling. They were glad to hear from me and proud of me. They told me to be careful and enjoy the rest of the challenge.

I ate some vada pav and did some exercise, to stretch my muscles and warm up my body. I played some music on my speaker, and danced with TPA zindabad. We had a lot of fun and energy, and time flew by. It was 10 am, and I still had 7 hours left for the challenge.

I decided to explore the river more, as I was very far away from the starting point. I saw a small island in the middle of the river, which looked like a patch of green. I was curious and wanted to check it out. I steered the tent towards the island, and reached there in a few minutes. I tied the tent to a tree on the island, and stepped out with Tinu.

The island was very small and had some grass and bushes. It was so small that only 4 to 5 people could stand on it. I felt like I had discovered a secret place, and I was excited. I did some stretching and photoshoot on the island, and posed with Tinu. He ran around and sniffed the plants, and seemed to like the island too.

I started making my lunch, which I was going to make palak paneer and naan on the stove. I had brought some ready-made ingredients and utensils, and it was easy to cook. While it was being cooked, I carried my fishing rod and did some fishing in the water. I caught some fish, which I cleaned and kept for Tinu.

I said goodbye to the island, and got back on the tent. Our lunch was ready, and we ate it on the outer area. I ate palak paneer and naan, and Tinu ate fish with boiled egg and some sprinkle for dogs. I ate chocolate ice cream for dessert, and felt full and satisfied. I took a nap for 2 hours, till 2:30 pm. Tinu also slept next to me, and we both snored.

I woke up and saw that Tinu was also awake. I washed my face and felt refreshed. I decided to swim in the afternoon, as it was a sunny and hot day. I dived into the water with the rope attached to the tent, and Tinu also dived with me. We swam and splashed in the water, and had a blast. I played some music on the speaker, and drank some cold drink from a cup in my hand. Tinu ate some more fish from the water, and looked happy.

The river was now in a jungle area, and I saw some trees and animals on the banks. I quickly checked my location on Google maps, and saw how far I was from the source. I was 50 km far, and it was already 3:30 pm. I quickly started the motor and proceeded towards the source. We were at the speed of 40 kmph, as the motor was very powerful and ran on solar energy. I sat in the tent and enjoyed the ride, as the scenery changed.

After an hour, we reached our source destination in our floating tent. I was 45 minutes late, but I didn't care. I had completed the challenge, and I was proud of myself and Tinu. I already packed my luggage when we were approaching, and then I removed the tent out of the water and started my car. I put the things in my car, with Tinu sitting on the co-passenger seat and the tent on the back. It was a very exciting adventure, and I loved it.

We reached our home after an hour of car journey, and met our parents. They were happy and relieved to see us, and hugged us. I told them about my experience, and showed them the pictures and videos. They were amazed and impressed by my adventure, and congratulated me. They also praised Tinu, and gave him some treats. We all celebrated and had a good time.

That was the story of my floating tent challenge, which was one of the best experiences of my life. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. I will always remember it and cherish it. I hope you liked it too. 😊

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