Chapter 4

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(a little song to listen to while reading :3)

37's POV:

3 hours later...

everything was hurting and I wanted to die. but once again, I was knocked out and he fixed me up so i wouldn't die. I went back to sleep and just waited for him to get bored of whatever he was doing and hurt me again.


surprisingly, he just continued to do what he was doing for a while. I actually got to sleep for over 4 hours. until I got woken up to a woman getting murdered. damnit. then he threw her across the room harder than he did with me.

he got a call from somebody. then he turned to me and asked "wanna see what's in the basement?" I couldn't feel my right leg anymore. I started to panic, knowing I can't refuse it, I knew it wasn't a question. neither did I want to know what's in the basement.

I tried to shake my head slightly, my voice was probably scratchy. he walked up to me and grabbed me by the neck. "y'know, I wasn't asking. I don't trust you enough to leave you up here. lazy bitch." he said, picking me up and throwing me on the floor.

I got up and tried to walk but it hurt like hell. he threw me down the stairs of the basement and walked down. then he stood in front of me. "now get up, stupid." I got up then we started to walk. it was like walking through a long hallway. there were bodies hanging up on the walls. some were alive, some weren't.

some were begging for freedom. some just stayed silent. then some were panicking. whatever they were doing, it was probably all for the same reason. they had a pretty good reason. my legs were shaking, then he turned to me and said "someone is coming over. you're going to stay in here until they leave."

I just missed my head and sat against the wall, looking at the people around me. then he said "go ahead, make some friends. they won't be here for long." he smirked after saying that then walked out. I watched him in fear as he shut the door and locked it.

the person near me walked up to me instead. he said "hm. there's another partypooper over there if you want to talk to him." they pointed to the partypooper who was asleep. I didn't know what to say or do so i just sat there, staring at the wall until he walked in, holding a gun. he pointed it at me and said "come on".

I followed him back up the stairs then he asked "y'know what?" I looked at him and asked "what?" he handed me a knife and said "I want you to kill them for me..."  I wanted to refuse but I knew I couldn't. I didn't have a choice.

none of them seemed to know what he said or even hear it. except for the two against the wall. they heard everything. he just stood by, waiting for me to do something. the only thing I could do was stand there. I was too scared to say anything. the partygoer grabbed my neck and said "all you have to do is stab them in the right spot."

he then pushed me towards somebody, making both of us fall and he just watched us. I stabbed the person in the arm, mostly so they couldn't fight back. the partygoer actually seemed impressed but also unimpressed at the same time. the person tried to fight back, they punched me in the throat. so I grabbed their leg and thigh and broke their legs, making their knees go backwards.

the person screamed and cried in pain and I just watched. he was kind of surprised, clearly not expecting that. I was also surprised at what I had just done. I wasn't sure what to do next so I just stabbed them in the stomach and twisted the knife. the scream was almost make your ass go deaf loud.

47's POV:

I heard the loudest scream known to fucking man. 97's walls were extra soundproof because everyone knew what he likes to do. but this was just... wow. I put on my headphones and blasted music to ignore it. I got on Roblox to talk to my annoying ass friend about random topics.

back to 37's POV:

I just backed up once I stabbed them in the side of the neck, he just stared at me. he said "you suck at stabbing people." "let's go back up now" " I want to have a little fun with you." he picked me up and threw me at the wall then walked up to me. he had a knife and a lighter. he was taking the lighter. to the knife. oh shit.

he kept heating up the knife for a few minutes the got on his knees so he could be at my level. he pressed the knife against my arm and said "I'll make a deal with you." so I looked at him and he said "I'll stop torturing you like this if you become my little murder slave. basically you kill people for me."

he pressed the knife into my arm, it didn't bleed because the knife was heated up. I held in the scream and bit my lip as hard as I could. then he grabbed me by the neck and asked "so..?" I shook my head, not realizing the mistake I've just made.

a few days later...

I started to think of ways I could escape. but escaping would be hard, knowing he's good at tracking people down. I knew if he was asleep I could sneak out and then just run. but where would I go? this level has a fuck ton of partygoers on it. do I just noclip to another level?

btw sorry my taste of music is ass 😭

cliffhanger bitches :D

anyways idk what to put here

cuteness overload

buh bye!

1012 words :3

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